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Author Topic: The Sting  (Read 12954 times)


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The Sting
« on: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM »
Ball NPS Score: 100.00
Coverstock: Evolution Solid Particle
Ball Color: Black All colors do vary somewhat from the picture shown.
Finish: 800 Sheen
Flare Potential: 4.5" (Medium)
RG Average: 2.549 (Medium) on a scale of 2.43-2.8 Very low-High Break Point
RG Differential: 0.031 (Medium-Low) on a scale of .000-.080 Low-High Flare
Recommended Lane Conditions: Medium-Heavy Oil
Description: Introducing the Sting. Our newest Max Performance release to use the Buzz core. Only this time, we armed the Sting with Evolution Particle, so you''ll never get stung by heavy lane conditions again


BuddiesProShopcom - Bill

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Re: The Sting
« Reply #1 on: August 24, 2007, 03:15:54 AM »
The layout I used in the ball is the same at my other Lane Masters balls.  The pin was 4 inches from my PAP and the CG was 3 1/2 inches from my PAP.  No weight hole was needed.

I have thrown all the balls in this line up.  The Hornet is by far the mildest of the 3.  This ball needs light to burnt conditions to be effective.  The Buzz is my favorite.  It is a long and strong reaction, and good on Medium oil.  I tested my Sting both out of the box and sanded 2000 abralon.  

Out of the box, this ball was clean through the fronts and picked up a nice midlane roll with continuation through the pocket.  With the box finish I was able to play between 2-3 arrows and swing the ball out to the dry and the ball made it back without a problem.

With the 2000 Abralon Finish, the Sting picked up a lot earlier and was more mellow at the break point.  If you are bowling on a flood, I think this ball at 1000 Abralon would be a monster.

Sting - Medium-Heavy
Buzz - Medium
Hornet - Light to Dry

If you have any question please email me at
"The Place All Bowlers Shop"
"The Place All Bowlers Shop"


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Re: The Sting
« Reply #2 on: September 04, 2007, 09:35:35 AM »
I picked up a Sting two weeks ago and primarily used it on a league shot.  It appears we're getting a little more oil than normal in the first two weeks, in the two houses I bowl at.  I have mine drilled pin above ring finger, PAP 5 5/8 with 5/8 up.  This ball hits hard when coming from the outside.  I sanded the cover with a grey pad, to take some polish off it.  I don't believe this ball is for heavy oil, but medium heavy.  I have a Terminator, Yeah Baby and Big R Bang, to compare with this ball.  This ball will up with the Terminator and maybe I should have picked up a Black Pearl, for heavy oil.  Thus far, I'm happy with it, the only problem is the lanes are being oiled squirely and I may need something with a little more bite. I'm a down and in player, very accurate and consistent, the farther right I move, does not affect this ball.  The reaction is true and precise.  When it was drilled, the cover stock was at least 3 1/2 inches thick, my driller laughed and said this company (Legends) really know how to make a product.  The drill bits don't last long, due to the hardness of these balls.


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Re: The Sting
« Reply #3 on: September 22, 2007, 09:06:34 AM »
This is the second LaneMasters ball I've bought. I have an AP2 drilled stacked leverage and use it for heavy oil. I also have a Columbia Wraith SF drilled to go long and flip hard and use that for dry lanes. I bought the Sting to be my medium oil ball since I'm bowling on brand new lanes that don't break down as easily as the old lanes they had in the house where I bowl. It is the first ball out of my bag now. I have it drilled in between the other two balls. It is the most consistent ball I have. It has a predictable break point and if I need to I can move in and give myself more room as the lanes break down. First night I used it I had a 235,192, and a 224. I have yet to bowl under a 625 with it! I don't have to worry about slowing it down for carry or to adjust for speed. I just move a couple of boards left and keep winging it. I am amazed at how it keeps the pins low when it hits. No more ten pins left from having pins flying over it, because I hit the pocket too hard. It crushes them and leaves 'em low! It is the best carrying ball that I own.


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Re: The Sting
« Reply #4 on: October 04, 2007, 09:41:04 PM »
This is my first Lanemasters ball.  Spotted it on e-bay already left hand drilled with very few bids on it.  I couldn't resist and bid $42 bucks on a whim, figuring I would get outbid as there was still a couple of days left on the auction.  Ended up winning it for $41.50!  Couldn't believe how good of shape it was when I got it...looked like it had never been thrown.  It was drilled pin under ring and CG kicked out about two inches.  Moved the thumb hole to increase the span a little and didn't have to move the weight hole.

I've thrown this ball on heavy, medium and light oil already.  As expected it performs best on medium oil, with a fairly strong midlane and a smooth but solid arc to the pocket.  The ball hits hard and continues through the pocket well.  Didn't leave any seven pins, and suprisingly no solid nines either.  The break point was a little earlier than I normally see, but I wasn't surprised as this is a particle ball.

On light oil I had to throw the ball pretty hard across the 20 at the arrows down to about the 12 board at the break point.  Carried fairly good through the heads and midlane yet still maintained plenty of energy to turn into the pocket.  I also didn't have any problems leaving seven pins, nor did it hit too strong.  I did have to maintain pretty firm ball speed to keep it from coming in high, but I usually just left a six pin when it did.

Threw it last night on a flood and it still did pretty good. I played an inside line throwing across the 15 at the arrows down to about the 13 at the break point and the ball was able to make it into the pocket fairly strong.  Didn't leave a single five pin so I knew that it was moving into the pocket fairly strong despite the less than optimum angle.  I probably won't use this ball OOB for heavy oil as I am more comfortable throwing my ball out a little more.

I'm planning on throwing it on the spinner and polishing it up with some of Bean's Secret Sauce this weekend to see how that affects it.  I'm expecting it to go just a touch longer as the coverstock appears fairly smooth from the factory.  I'm surprised at how durable the coverstock is on this black beauty. Our only bowling center is ancient and is notorious for chewing up balls, but the Sting has nary a nick after throwing it three nights of league and one afternoon of practice.

Overall I'd rate the Sting 9 out of 10 on medium oil.  Might give it 10 out of 10 after I see how it works with a little polishing.

10/8 Update - I went ahead and polished the Sting with Bean's Secret Sauce.  It put the perfect final touch on this now goes a touch longer and moves back to the pocket with authority.  It also really looks really great polished up - a shining black beauty.  I now rate the Sting an easy 10 out of 10.  Great ball!


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Re: The Sting
« Reply #5 on: October 27, 2007, 10:42:05 AM »
Also my first LM ball. I bought it because the stuff I used last season wasn't working so well this year - they seem to be putting out a little more oil, and my Angular One and Vapor Zone were not finishing/carrying very well. So I'd been looking, and then I read the review of The Sting in Bowler's Journal, and I decided to go for it. My Pro Shop guy wasn't thrilled (he prefers to sell stuff from the big boys) but I was persistent.

Anyway, when I picked it up I walked straight from the Pro Shop to the lanes for league, and promptly shot 759, my high for the season. Amazing length for a particle ball, but when it makes the turn it is very strong. But not violent, it seems to hold the pocket well rather than charge through the nose. Carry has been outstanding, virtually no 10 pins, more 4s and 9s (but no 4-9s, yet!).

Suffice to say, I'm very impressed, and although I don't know which ball I will buy next, I do know who will make it.

D McLaughlin

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Re: The Sting
« Reply #6 on: February 11, 2008, 02:00:42 PM »
This ball certainly fills the "heavier oil" slot in my arsenal.  OOB finish clears the fresh well and still lacks nothing on the backends.  So far, my arsenal includes Sting - Xcelence - Hornet.  I am VERY pleased to date with LM/L stuff.
I am a fan of whatever ball is going to fatten my bank account.
Darren McLaughlin


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Re: The Sting
« Reply #7 on: June 19, 2008, 03:51:48 AM »
First, let me reveal my bias.  I have 5 Legends/Lane Masters balls.  I bought the Sting last October and it has become my barometer ball.  For my house condition the Sting and XS Power are the two "go-to" balls 90% of the time.  I have only been bowling one season since quitting over 25 years ago.  On sweeper night in my last league, I rolled a 300 with the Sting and cashed a bunch for the night.  One thing I will say about the L/LM line is that they are durable with none of my orbs showing any signs of deterioration.  The L/LM ball cleaner that comes with all Legends balls is the best cleaner overall that I have ever used. My Sting has a 4in pin over the ring finger and the CG kicked out to the right midway between thumb and fingers with a weight hole. This is a particle solid ball which looks more like a pearl due to the polish.  It gets down the lane in fine fashion and when it turns to the pocket, the adrenaline rush is worth the price of admission.  Carried light hits, and shredded racks are the norm along with the patent "crack" of flush pocket shots that Lane Masters is known for.  I would say that the only drawback to the line is the prohibition in PBA tournament finals although they are "legal" for  regionals and qualifiers--a rather puzzling state of affairs.  If you don't bowl in PBA tournaments, you should have at least one L/LM ball in your arsenal. Tournament this weekend with a 10 game qualifier and it will be the first or second ball out of the bag.


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Re: The Sting
« Reply #8 on: July 06, 2008, 02:04:11 AM »
Saw a great price on this one, so I decided to get another Lane Masters to for more oil.  I drilled this ball with the pin under the ring finger, and the CG kicked out slightly to the right of the thumb hole.  The ball needed a weight hole which was placed below the midline, 4 inches out from my grip center.  I've used this ball in two different houses thus far, and both times I was barely able to get a game in with it as it was a bit too much ball for the house shot.  I was able to move deep inside and swing it to the dry, with The Sting coming back very hard off the friction, but it was more of a struggle than is usually needed on a house condition.  Lane Masters is correct when they say that this ball is a ton of hook even with the polished finish.  It is only a couple boards more hook than my Psycho, but definitely goes earlier, and I'm sure with the particle in the coverstock will handle a bit more oil.  Not sure I would make this the biggest hooking ball in an arsenal unless you're going to dull the coverstock, but it's a great ball to start the night with on a fresh condition if your house uses a fair amount of oil, or probably a great choice on some of the longer PBA conditions.  Have some regionals coming up on Chameleon, Scorpion, and Shark, so it will be interesting to see the reaction on those conditions.  
On a side note, the difference in drilling is unbelievable, as this is the first Lane Masters ball I've drilled myself, feeling the drill press going through nothing but coverstock and core as compared with filler is the difference between night and day.  Can't see how this wouldn't equate to more hitting power, and that is a difference that can actually be seen, not just boasted about by the manufacturer.  Quality job Lane Masters!!!

John D Davis

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Re: The Sting
« Reply #9 on: July 07, 2008, 09:06:43 PM »
I bought my Sting three weeks ago and I feel confident in writting a review now... My Sting was 15 lb. with a 2-3 inch pin. I decided to put a so called (Rico-Layout) on it. For some of you that dont exactly know what I mean, well its where you place the pin in the center of your grip. I feel that for some of you that has never tried this layout, it's a must to have in the bag. This layout works incredible on a wide range of fresh patterns. This ball being a high load particle ball blends the lane very well and gives you more control on some of the driest backends.

   I can do whatever I like with this ball... Meaning I can get inside the 5th arrow and wheel it or take my hand out of it and play straight off the track if needed. It is truely an amazing ball! The hit and carry is second to none. Simply amazing... I will say I am very impressed with my carry with this thing. The Sting comes kinda shiny so it gets down the lane very very easy. I have medium ball speed and medium revs I would say and this ball fits me perfectly! Feel free to buy one of these with confidence for you can play on virtually anything you encounter! I would rate this ball a perfect 10! But remember I havnt had this ball but say three weeks, but so far I am very happy with this great piece. John

I am batman

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Re: The Sting
« Reply #10 on: February 26, 2011, 10:45:40 AM »
This review is for a Sting Widow Maker.

I never owned the original Sting. Just bought the SWM to complement my Hornet. Drilled this ball with 5.5" pin. (pin above middle finger), CG barely right of centerline. I'm right handed and this drilling almost loooks left handed.

Even on a light oil pattern, this drilling gives me length and a short arc to the pocket. Ball keeps lots of energy, slaps the pins around. The pins lay down real good with this ball.


Length: 41


Volume: light medium

Type (THS, Sport Pattern etc): white#2



Likes: Pin mix is excellent. Controll is awesome. When this ball starts to die, I pull out my Hornet and its a strike fest.

Dislikes:  Not quite as aggressive as I thought, works well with this drilling but angle has to be tight. I would not be afraid to drill this ball more aggressive.






I am Batman
"Where does he get all of these wonderful balls?"