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Author Topic: Ultimate Power  (Read 7354 times)


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Ultimate Power
« on: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM »
Ball NPS Score: Not Available has the largest selection of bowling balls
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Rg     2.540
Diff    .025
Flare    4.5"
Core    Power Centric
Type    Reactive Pearl
Color    Violet / Sunburst
Finish    1000 White scotch brite pad

Recommended Condition: Medium
Total Hook Rating: 71 of 120


Pat Patterson

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Re: Ultimate Power
« Reply #1 on: November 23, 2010, 05:56:44 PM »
Got ball drilled on 6/10/10, Ball came 15lb 2oz, 2-3/4" Pin and 2-3/4 TW. Decided to drill the ball utilizing the "Rico" layout, Pin to Pap to CG is 45* with a 3/4" WH drilled 1-1/2" deep 6-3/4" from the pin through CG.

Lane Condition used on: THS 38' buffed to 45' using "Control" oil on Brunswick Synthetic with OB typically outside 5, but I think they back off a touch in the summer. I wasn't expecting the ball to be so aggressive when it hit the dry after easily gliding throught the heads and mids. It basically makes a left turn and pretty hard to boot! Once I got lined-up (standing 25, targeting 15 at the arrows out to gutter at 45'), this line is normally a no-no at this house and not typically a shot/line I would use, but the Ultimate Power devoured what oil was out there and the ball struck at willon any ball that hit the pocket(one 4 pin) over three games. The pair of lanes I bowled on typcially hook alot more than other pairs in the house, so I will roll some more games thursday evening on some of the slicker pairs to see what the ball will do.

This was my first ball drilled using the "Rico" layout, if this layout on this ball is any indication as to what this ball/layout can do, I see more of this layout coming soon on future Lane Master purchases.


Pat Patterson
Pat Patterson

Pat Patterson

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Re: Ultimate Power
« Reply #2 on: November 23, 2010, 05:57:26 PM »
Update 6/23/10:

Used ball over the weekend in a local tourney at my home center, the ball is still very, very aggressive especially on the backend. It did not matter what pair of lanes I was on, all it took was to project the ball out to the 5 board area at 45'''''''' and the ball had a very high percentage of carry. Only set back was the ball was only good for a game and a half befor 10 pins showed-up. Ball with this drilling does not seem to like carrydown. I do plan on taking it with me to Vegas this week to bowl a tourney at South Point Casino.

Still, overall a good piece.
Pat Patterson

Update: 6/29/10:
Just got back from a bowling a tournament in Las Vegas at the South Point Casino.

Overall I bowled pretty good using the Ultimate Power, the ball really likes the fresh pattern/1st squads. I started out using it on fresh for Singles and shot 642(could not carry the corners in game one), next up we moved pairs and I proceeded to shot 766 in Doubles with a 279 last game throwing last 10(oil was still fresh as that pair only had 2 right-handers). Next squad tried to use it on some carry-down and lanes that were drying out and the ball did not carry as well as in the previous two squads so I switched to my Hornet to finish out the set. Next day used it on fresh once again and proceeded to shot 706 in team event. Next squad was on carry-down(they did not oil for this squad) and the ball once again had trouble kicking out corners and I was leaving flat 10''''''''s, again switched to my Hornet to get me throught the rest of the squad. Again, the Ultimate Power is a very exceptional ball on the right condition as noted above, I did manage to shot 2114 for All Events (scratch) and won a substaintial amount of bracket money for a very profitable weekend.

For reference, I also took a pin-down Sting and a Xtreme Damage. The Sting never left the bag as there was not enough oil for it and the Xtreme Damage did not have a good look during practice. I think the weight block in the Impact/Dynasty series do not match up well for me and South Point as I had trouble last year trying to get a Sure Strike to work.

Again, Hope this helps

Update: 6/30/10:
I got a call from our league coordinator tuesday am and was asked to sub weds eve. Decided to show up and bowl, wasn''''t really feeling up to bowling. Pulled the Ultimate Power out for warm-ups and buried all four practice balls in the pocket(didn''''t think much about it at that time as it was just practice). 1st game I proceed to shoot 257 throwing last 6. Game 2 start with a 4 pin in frame one then proceed to throw the next 10 and a 9 count for a 289, game 3 started with an open frame, made an adjustment with my feet and proceeded to throw last 9 for a 258 for a 804 Series.
The Ultimate Power on this night wasn''t bothered by late game transition as previously stated in my last update. It held up well for all three games, just the small move with my feet to get ball re-aligned to the pocket. The Ultimate Power is fast becoming one of my top Lane Masters bowling balls amongst the current releases.

Thank You Lane Masters for another great product!

Pat Patterson
Pat Patterson