Got this ball used for a song. Had it plugged and re-drilled, label leverage. For me, at OOB finish, it rolled almost identically to my WCPP. I have all three balls in this series, all drilled label leverage. I have the original at 1000 grit finish ("shiny sheen"), and the PP in OOB finish. These two complimented each other beautifully; the Pearl goes longer with a sharper hook, but both cover about the same number of boards, so when the Particle starts rolling too early, I pull out the Pearl and roll the same line--goes down further and then digs in and carries.
I wanted to be able to pull out the WCR when the Pearl started coming in too high and roll the same line, but as I said above, in OOB finish it reacted almost the same as the Pearl. So I shined 'er up, and that made all the difference. It goes about as long as the Pearl, but is less aggressive on the backend--a smoother arcing motion. I now have a wonderfully strong and reliable 1-2-3 punch combination. (I can then go The Buzz, then The Hornet, and then the Straight Flush if needed.)
I highly recommend this ball. It's very versatile, has the famous Legends power, and as with all of their stuff, it responds well to minor surface adjustments. Highly recommended for Medium lane conditions.
BTW, I got this only a few days before I got the Terminator Rebellion. Both would make great baseline balls for most bowlers. I would say the biggest difference is that the TR goes longer with a sharper breakpoint, although that may be largely attributable to the drilling (TR: Stacked Leverage, WCR: Label Leverage) and surface adjustment (I left the TR in OOB finish).
"Love God, laugh more, spend more time with the ones you love, play with children, do good to those in need, and eat more ice cream. There is more to life than bowling." Scott F. Guinn