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Author Topic: World Class/R  (Read 10455 times)


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World Class/R
« on: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM »
Ball NPS Score: Not Available has the largest selection of bowling balls
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Coverstock: World Class Reactive
Ball Color: Burlwood/SiennaAll colors do vary somewhat from the picture shown.
Finish: Polish
Flare Potential: 4.5"+
RG Average: 2.585 (Medium-High) on a scale of 2.43-2.8 Very low-High Break Point
RG Differential: 0.035 (Medium) on a scale of .000-.080 Low-High Flare
Description: By having the ability to balance the midlane... By offering unequaled control in a reactive cover... By being predictable on the backend for a longer period of time... By being the perfect compliment to the "original" World Class...


BuddiesProShopcom - Tim

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Re: World Class/R
« Reply #1 on: October 05, 2006, 03:47:42 PM »
I laid the World Class Reactive out pin 4 1/2" x cg 3 1/2" from my PAP. I wanted to compliment my blue World Class, and this ball did just that. The original WC was a strong, smooth arcing ball and the new pearl is more of a skid flip. I found the pearl to be about 10 feet longer on the house shot than the particle, and a much sharper breakpoint. For me, this World Class was about 5 boards less hook overall than the original, but with a much more defined breakpoint. I also really like the versatility of this one, as I was able to move to all parts of the lane with a hand position adjustment. I think the only condition that this ball would not be at its best is heavy heavy oil, the shiny pearl cover doesn't have enough teeth to bite through the slick stuff. This ball falls perfectly into the Legends lineup, and is sure to be a favorite of the Lane Masters/Legends faithful.

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BuddiesProShopcom - Bill

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Re: World Class/R
« Reply #2 on: October 25, 2006, 12:18:57 PM »
With this ball I used the same layout as some of the other Lane Master balls that I have tested. The pin was 4 inches from my PAP and the CG was 3 3/4 inches from my PAP.

I tested this ball on our fresh oiled house pattern and found it to be about 5 boards less overall hook than the World Class Solid. This ball has the same easy read as the World Class Solid with less overall hook. When the lanes dry out for your World Class Solid, just pick up this ball and you will be able to get the ball down the lane, and still have the same type of reaction.

The World Class Reactive gave me about 4 boards more overall hook than the Big R Bang.
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Re: World Class/R
« Reply #3 on: October 26, 2006, 02:10:46 AM »
Pin above middle, CG at center line, no extra hole.

I wanted to try something a bit different compared to how I had the World Class drilled. My intent was more length and that is what I got. With this layout, there is no problem getting this ball thru the heads. It stores well and is quite strong in the back. Another hard hitting ball by LM/L. It works best on lighter/shorter patterns. I am certain that a more aggressive layout would produce better results on the mediums. But this fit my arsenal pretty well. It fits in between the buzz and the straight flush.

Robert Mockenhaupt


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Re: World Class/R
« Reply #4 on: October 29, 2006, 02:59:04 AM »
1st game with ball 248 with an open 10th had a great series going too and 2 spares early (cross body shots)  . Could have easily been a 26X's game.
Shot was there all night ball is sweet nice even recovery not too sharp but controllable. I will deffinatly get somemore Legends stuff . A++++++++ All the way.


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Re: World Class/R
« Reply #5 on: December 21, 2006, 12:01:40 AM »
Purchased mine at the end of November. 15.3, 3 1/2 top weight Drilled 5x41/2 off my CG with weight hole on the PAP. This took the place of the Satisfaxtion which my 15yr High School bowler is now throwing. This is my med-dry ball and like all the other Lanemasters/Legends that I own it's just GREAT equipment. I'm an inside player and I can get as far left as 20-25 and this ball gets back and just crushes the pocket. It doesn't "JERK" off dry, it just seems to pickup into a heavier roll. I'm throwing it in the out of box condition and I'm very religious about keeping it CLEAN like I do with all my stuff. This is the 5th Lanemasters/Legends ball I've purchased and one thing is the same with all. GREAT QUALITY!! Have Already shot 3 700's with this one. I recommend this one for a first time LM/Legends owner.
biggie 1961


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Re: World Class/R
« Reply #6 on: January 11, 2007, 10:11:57 PM »
Well I wasn't satisfied on how I drilled this ball (see first review) so I had it plugged and redrilled.

NEW Layout: (4 x 4)
Pin next to ring.
CG stacked below.
XH on PAP.

What a difference! This is now my go to ball when the lanes are transitioning to a point where my early rolling stuff starts to check up sooner but I feel the Buzz is not quite ready. I'm able to play close to where my aggressive stuff was starting to fail. With this layout, the ball has become more predictable. That is key during transition.

The original layout I used was a bad matchup for the dynamics of the ball on the mediums. It wasn't really what I was looking for. Sometimes it doesn't hurt to experiment.
Robert Mockenhaupt


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Re: World Class/R
« Reply #7 on: November 03, 2007, 11:51:13 PM »
Drilled this up Rico.  Pin was 2" out.  I was looking for something about 4-5 boards weaker than my Columbia U-turn.

Ball goes down the lane real well & flips hard.  It's a great "wall" ball and should work ok at my PBA experience league.  Only used once so far (on house shot) and I am very impressed.  HITS HARD!

The ONLY minus is that it is only about 2 boards weaker than my U-turn


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Re: World Class/R
« Reply #8 on: March 19, 2008, 03:38:46 AM »
Got this ball used for a song. Had it plugged and re-drilled, label leverage. For me, at OOB finish, it rolled almost identically to my WCPP. I have all three balls in this series, all drilled label leverage. I have the original at 1000 grit finish ("shiny sheen"), and the PP in OOB finish. These two complimented each other beautifully; the Pearl goes longer with a sharper hook, but both cover about the same number of boards, so when the Particle starts rolling too early, I pull out the Pearl and roll the same line--goes down further and then digs in and carries.

I wanted to be able to pull out the WCR when the Pearl started coming in too high and roll the same line, but as I said above, in OOB finish it reacted almost the same as the Pearl. So I shined 'er up, and that made all the difference. It goes about as long as the Pearl, but is less aggressive on the backend--a smoother arcing motion. I now have a wonderfully strong and reliable 1-2-3 punch combination. (I can then go The Buzz, then The Hornet, and then the Straight Flush if needed.)

I highly recommend this ball. It's very versatile, has the famous Legends power, and as with all of their stuff, it responds well to minor surface adjustments. Highly recommended for Medium lane conditions.

BTW, I got this only a few days before I got the Terminator Rebellion. Both would make great baseline balls for most bowlers. I would say the biggest difference is that the TR goes longer with a sharper breakpoint, although that may be largely attributable to the drilling (TR: Stacked Leverage, WCR: Label Leverage) and surface adjustment (I left the TR in OOB finish).
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Re: World Class/R
« Reply #9 on: October 10, 2008, 10:19:19 AM »
I drilled the WCR stacked leverage, and tweaked the thumbhole a little (lessened the reverse pitch by a quarter inch and added and eighth inch pitch to the right) to give me a little stonger release.  My pap is 4 1/8 and 1/2 up, so I put the pin just a little high and left of my ring finger.

I rolled a somewhat down and in shot with the WCR, releasing at the 9 and hitting my breakpoint at about the 4.  On a THS the WCR is not only solid, consistent, and strong, it is also very forgiving.  I can literally miss my mark by two boards the the right or left and still carry most of the time. (This has much to do with the oil pattern, but my other balls don't perform as well on missed shots).  Pulled the WCR out last night for the third game as my XS Power was starting to come in too strong, started with 5 strikes, ringing 7 on frame six, the rest strkes until the 12th when I forgot to let go and came up through the nose.  Wished I had pulled it out early, might have had a respectable series.

IMHO the WCR is the perfect ball for the house bowler who doesn't have a lot of hand because of its very strong move and versatilty.

Pat Patterson

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Re: World Class/R
« Reply #10 on: August 18, 2010, 03:39:36 AM »
Just had this drilled up RICO and rolled a few balls after a league session.  BAll came 15-1, 3 TW and 3" Pin. Ball right now on my THS is to aggressive in the midlane unlike my recently drilled Ultimate Power with the RICO layout which is much smoother through out the midlane on this pattern.. I am going to throw a good amount of Finesse-It II or Legends Extended Length polish on the ball tonight and try to roll it friday evening to see what type of reaction I get.

I will report out on it after I get to use it on a more conducive pattern.

8/16/10: Update - Polished ball up using Finesse-It II, put alot of polish on it in hopes of getting a little more length. Used ball on fresh oil (Brunswick synthetic, 30 feet in length buffed out to 40 feet). Ball was now able to clear the mids alot better and is quite violent on the backend. I think I will have a place in my bag for this one on my THS, just as long as I keep it polished.

8/17/10: Update - Ball with the aforementioned polishing in comparison with my RICO drilled Ultimate Power now cover the same amount of boards and look very similar in shot shape.  Comparing the two I was able to play the same line (13 at the arrows and 8 at the range finder at 45 feet).  Did notice the Ultimate Power has better recovery when missing at 6-7 at 45 feet.  Both obviously hit like only Lane Masters can.


Pat Patterson
Pat Patterson


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Re: World Class/R
« Reply #11 on: August 22, 2010, 10:07:32 AM »
Just redrilled my world class/r pin high above ring, cg kicked out. Small WH on val.
Bowling on old wood house, medium/heavy house shot. Started with my Black Pearl shot 225. Started to dry up and went to my WCPP and shot 208. After a solid 10 pin, wanted to see what the freshly drilled WCR would do. Went sheet for 290. Ball sailed threw heads and not a real big snap in BE but just enough to carry. Light hits are best with LM/Legend balls i believe due to 2 piece construction.