4 inch pin
2.5 top
Pin 5 from PAP
CG 4 from PAP
Dual Angle: 60 x 5 x 40

The Xtreme Damage Platinum is the same Xtreme Damage from back in the days but with an enhanced cover stock. The tall core with 100% cover from top to bottom is great quality which you rarely see from other companies today.
I got to test my XDP this past weekend at a tournament i bowled in. The house used the Kegel Bourbon Street Pattern which is 40ft with a decent amount of volume. The lane surface was DBA synthetics which is known for burning up front and getting tight on the back. I tried the XDP on the third squad where the heads were fried right of 15 and the backs a little tight. The XDP got through the heads clean and had a nice continuous arc on the back. It's not a ball that goes sideways but has a predictable roll. I was very impress the way it hits and carries. I would say this ball is 2 to 3 feet longer than the original black pearl and maybe a foot longer than the Perfect. The Perfect and XDP are really close but the XDP has more kick. I would only use the XDP when the heads start to break down. On the fresh it would squirt down lane and give over and under. I will try the XDP with different surface in the near future just to see what it will do. This is another great ball by Tony Martin.