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Author Topic: 3-ball Arsenal - Your thoughts?  (Read 3654 times)


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3-ball Arsenal - Your thoughts?
« on: October 26, 2007, 10:22:10 AM »
I'm thinking about retiring my excessive, outdated 5-ball arsenal and replacing it with a new 3-ball arsenal (including spare). I'm wanting to buy two of the same ball and use different layouts, top weights, pin placements and such to cover the majority of lane conditions and surfaces out there.

I consider myself a 'power tweener' with medium ball speed (15-16 mph), medium revs, about 45 degrees of axis tilt and I track high close to my fingers and thumb. My PAP is about 4 1/2" over and about 3/8" up.

Based on the video reviews I've seen so far, I'm considering the Storm Sure Fire. It looks to be very versatile so I can play different parts of the lane using the same layout, condition and surface. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe the Fire Line from Storm is a 2-piece construction (weight block inside resin, no filler). I've always preferred this type of construction since it has a higher CoR for better pin action and carry. And this also allows the thick coverstock shell to be very durable and long lasting. And since it's a mid-performance ball, it's a great value to boot.

I've also considered Legends/Lane Masters, but no one in my area owns or sells their equipment. So I have no first hand knowledge besides what I've seen online. Not to mention their high end lines are more expensive than the Sure Fire. Since they recently produced a mid-performance, 3-piece construction (with filler) line of balls with no difference in CoR to their high end line, I'm curious as to the durability of the coverstocks over time.

What do you think? I'm open to any comments, critiques and suggestions. And I thank everyone in advance for any advice.
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Re: 3-ball Arsenal - Your thoughts?
« Reply #1 on: October 26, 2007, 11:57:22 PM »
Great idea, I admire your bravery to try using two of the same ball and altering YOU not the ball when an adjustment is needed.

Out of the gate, the Sure Fire is an amazing piece from Storm. I have one, love it and it is my benchmark for everything.  I love the core and the versatility. I think 2 of these, one shiny/box  laid out fairly weakly and one with more surface and a more aggressive layout will suffice for MOST of the conditions, depending on the ability of you the bowler.

Since this is the Lane Masters forum, I feel obligated to say this: Wait for the Terminator Rebellion.  This ball will be the ABSOLUTE definition of what you want.  It shouldn't be more than a month away from release and it WILL be worth it.  Also, the World Class Pearl Particle could be the ball you're looking for, just a bit more money than the Sure Fire.  The Sure Strike from L/LM would be a good fit too, but I think its oil handling capabilities are limited due to its pearl-ness.

To recap:

Sure Fire is a good choice to build a 3 ball arsenal off of. VERY versatile.

Terminator Rebellion will be a fantastic piece, as I think with a long enough pin-pap and shiny finish it will get down the lane.


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Re: 3-ball Arsenal - Your thoughts?
« Reply #2 on: October 27, 2007, 12:09:32 AM »
Thanks for your kind words, x59. Adjusting myself instead of the ball has been something I was taught back in youth leagues early on in my bowling career about 15 years ago. So it's no stranger to me. I just don't see the point lugging around 10 or more balls for a specific lane condition.

Don't get me wrong, I don't knock those who do it that way. I have a couple of guys on my own team like this and they bowl great. Not to mention they're older than me too (I'm only 30). It's just their way of doing things.

If I had the luxury of buying a new ball at every release date, I'd do it too. But to me it just doesn't make economic sense. Buy one, two, or maybe even three balls, throw in a spare ball, and just keep it clean and well maintained and they will last you for years. If you treat your bowling balls like your car, it's all good. Preventative maintenance, it keeps em running long.

As far as what you've suggested, I've heard about the Rebellion coming out next month. It seems to me the Terminator balls are very strong with those big cores. but like I said I don't have any experience with L/LM since no one owns or sells them here. I know it's not good to judge a book by it's cover. And I've heard a lot of good things about L/LM equipment, so I'm not ruling them out.

Thanks again.
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Re: 3-ball Arsenal - Your thoughts?
« Reply #3 on: October 27, 2007, 11:27:38 PM »
I think which ever ball you buy from Lane Master will be a good purchase.  I don't personally own a Lane Master ball but have seen a lot of them in action.  I've been impressed by each ball i've seen.  These are the ones I like the most from what i've seen.

World class reactive

World class particle(blue) really like this one.

Black Pearl (particle) Awesome bowling ball period!

Black Pearl (reactive) Think my friend got this by mistake but it's the reactive version that's not out yet.  Get's very good length and very strong on the back end.  Plus it has that Lane Master carry!

I'm set with my arsenal right now but am thinking of adding another ball.  I have been waiting for the World Class Particle Pearl to come out.  I may also pick up the Black Pearl particle.


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Re: 3-ball Arsenal - Your thoughts?
« Reply #4 on: October 29, 2007, 09:44:11 AM »
My current three ball Lane Master arsenal consist of :

World Class Reactive
Sure Strike


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Re: 3-ball Arsenal - Your thoughts?
« Reply #5 on: December 08, 2007, 06:17:32 PM »
Thanks again for all of your comments. After much consideration, I've decided to go with L/LM for my new arsenal. Also there is now at least one pro shop in my area that carries L/LM along with their accessories (the 3-ball roller bags are nice, btw). However I have some more questions.

What would you all think of the following 3-ball arsenal:
Black Pearl particle (Heavy to heavy-medium)
Black Pearl reactive (Medium to medium-dry; whenever it's released)
Kingpin (Bone dry & Spare)

Whether I buy L/LM at a proshop or online, the Legends line and the Max Performance line are all the same price in the end (including drilling). The only difference is the Legends line comes with the tune-up kits. So why not get more for my money and go with the Legends line? It looks like the WC balls would be awesome too, so any combination of those and the black pearls would be good.

With x59 mentioning the Terminator Rebellion, it would be a great benchmark ball. Even Fred Borden says so on their website. But it's the same price as any Legends line ball, but without the tuning kit. So at this point I'm still not quite sure what to choose. At least I know it'll be a L/LM arsenal - that part I've figured out! lol

I've also decided this new arsenal will be for next fall season. I can use my current, old-school arsenal (check profile) until the end of this season. This will allow me plenty of time to save up the cash for my new arsenal.

Please help me out, folks. What do you all think? Once again I appreciate everyone's comments, suggestions and critiques. Please keep it up! Thanks!
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Re: 3-ball Arsenal - Your thoughts?
« Reply #6 on: December 08, 2007, 06:55:12 PM »
Hey tst4eko, you sound just like me. I am wanting to start a new arsenal also. I also was thinking Storm Surefire,but with a Spitfire and a Jolt Pearl to round out the group, or going to L/LM. I was thinking The Buzz for medium to dry, The Black Pearl for the medium to slicker conditions to start with, and then later adding whatever ball I needed for more oil or dry. My stats are somewhat close to yours, and nobody in my area throws L/LM stuff so I also have no first hand knowledge of there equipment.
As to your idea of buying two of the same ball and just drilling them different, different surfaces, I would say you could cover more conditions buying different types of balls. Storm Surefire vs. Spitfire, just the different coverstocks will let you cover a wider range of conditions and then throw in the changes you can make with your physical game and you have more options again. I have drilled balls for peaple both ways, and the ones who wanted the different balls always seemed happier. Just another guy throwing in his 2cents worth.


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Re: 3-ball Arsenal - Your thoughts?
« Reply #7 on: December 08, 2007, 07:01:07 PM »
The Black Pearl Reactive is a total unknown entity. SO even if we knew your style, no one can say how you will be able to use that ball.

Unless you have a LOT of hand (450-500 rpms) or you sand it to 600 grit, the Black Pearl particle will not handle heavy oil.
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Re: 3-ball Arsenal - Your thoughts?
« Reply #8 on: December 08, 2007, 07:50:19 PM »
Thanks for the info, charlest. And you're right; the Black Pearl reactive isn't released yet, so no one knows how this ball performs. Based on the L/LM website, the diagrams show the Black Pearl Particle & Reactive play the same line and react the same way. If that's true, then perhaps I'll need some gap to cover a wider variety of lane conditions. And since the Legends line of balls don't offer a solid coverstock, I still need something for heavier conditions.

I guess an example would be this:
Terminator Rebellion - benchmark ball for medium heavy to medium
Buzz or Hornet - Medium dry to dry
Kingpin - Spare

Perhaps this might be a better 3-ball arsenal. If the lanes are heavier than what the Rebellion is drilled for, I can make some other adjustments such as move right, slower ball speed, cup the wrist more, tuck in my pinkie for extra revs, to make the ball hook more.

What do you all think?

BTW - Does L/LM sell the tune-up kit separately? If not, what's included so that I may purchase the items separately?
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Re: 3-ball Arsenal - Your thoughts?
« Reply #9 on: December 08, 2007, 08:27:16 PM »
Do you want a solid resin only? There's the XS Power in the Lanemasters group.

But besides that there are plenty of solid particles for heavy oil. Remember you buy a ball reaction; you do not buy a ball. And if you've had problems with particles dying prematurely, you will not have those problems with Lanemasters/Legends balls. I have New Standards, Yeah Baby, a Big Kahunas with hundreds of games on it and all I've done is clean them and change surfaces once in a while for testing and utility purposes.

The Legends vs Lanemasters is mostly an artificial construct. I would not worry about getting polish, cleaner and nylon pads for free if the ball is and should be your major concern.

The nylon pads you can get in many places and several internet shops sell their cleaner and polishes. Buddies does; I know that.

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Edited on 12/8/2007 9:29 PM
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Re: 3-ball Arsenal - Your thoughts?
« Reply #10 on: December 08, 2007, 08:57:52 PM »
Solid particle or pearl particle, it doesn't matter. I've used both and they work well for me. I'm just trying to find the best fit of the widest variety of lane conditions with two balls plus a spare. Therefore I'm buying a ball reaction, not just a ball. The rule of thumb is to get a solid ball for heavier conditions, a pearl for lighter conditions; but it doesn't have to be that way if I can find what works best for me.

Even though L/LM swears their 3 piece construction balls, like the XS Power,  maintain the same CoR as their Max & Legend lines, I prefer the 2 piece construction. I want the thicker coverstocks for durability and longevity. The last new ball I bought was an El Nino Wrath in 1999, and I still use it to this day. Granted it doesn't have the same reaction as before, it's still a good ball in its own right.

I just want new toys to play with, and also make a sound investment.

Do you have any suggestions for me? I know you don't know my game; I'm just trying to bounce ideas off of everyone. Thanks again for your input.
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Re: 3-ball Arsenal - Your thoughts?
« Reply #11 on: December 09, 2007, 04:17:35 AM »
Then for a basic 2 ball arsenal + polyester, I'd go with Lanemasters own recommendation: Buzz and Sting. In general, and that's all we're talking about here, generalities, they will cover medium-light to medium to medium-heavy oil patterns for most people with TRUE average rev rate and TRUE average ball speed, with normal or average drilling patterns.

For your own game (release and ball speed) and for the conditions on which you are playing, you may need some variations in drillings and/or ball speed.

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Re: 3-ball Arsenal - Your thoughts?
« Reply #12 on: December 09, 2007, 01:49:30 PM »
That sounds like a good combination. I have plenty of time to get this arsenal going, so those two sound like a good starting point.

Thanks again for all your help.
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Re: 3-ball Arsenal - Your thoughts?
« Reply #13 on: December 09, 2007, 02:01:21 PM »
BTW - Does L/LM sell the tune-up kit separately? If not, what's included so that I may purchase the items separately?

The kit includes a small bottle of cleaner, a small bottle of polish, a grey pad and a maroon pad.  You can get the grey and maroon pads at most paint stores, I finally found them at Sherwin-Williams here.  6x9 sheets for a couple of bucks a piece.

You can get the polish and cleaner from Buddies in 4oz and quart sizes.  The 4oz ones are $7-8, I think, the quarts are $27-30.  Considering shipping, it's more economical to buy the quarts.

The kit also includes a buff-a-ball, ball cup, and DVD.  I don't know how interested you are in those things, but if you're just looking for the surface tuning stuff, you can buy those things separately.



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Re: 3-ball Arsenal - Your thoughts?
« Reply #14 on: December 09, 2007, 03:07:55 PM »
Thanks for the info shelley. I'll keep that in mind. I'm curious as to what is on the DVD. I'm not sure what the purpose of it is, but perhaps someone who has it can tell us what's on it.

Thanks again.
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