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Author Topic: Alternative drilling suggestion ---  (Read 1284 times)


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Alternative drilling suggestion ---
« on: March 04, 2008, 11:06:35 AM »
Near as I can tell, the Big-R-Bang and the Sure Strike are prime candidates for a Rico drilling. For some other people, the Buzz and the World Class Reactive are potential candidates.

If your ball is too skid/flippy or too over/under, this drilling can be an effective alternative.

See for info on this drilling. Please don't get all bent out of shape based on where you think it came from; the drilling itself has been around for a long time.

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Re: Alternative drilling suggestion ---
« Reply #1 on: March 04, 2008, 07:22:40 PM »
i have a ball drilled rico and this is my take.

i think it depends on what your looking for. If your looking to make the ball roll earlier and arc then balls like the buzz or world class reactive would do great. another words id rather take a ball that already arcs a bit or is a solid rather then a flippy ball.

but i think even a sure strike could potentially still snap a bit at the backend. im not 100% sure though... its only what ive heard.

anyone have experience putting the rico on a ball that snaps a lot like the big-r-bang?

this is what it looks like for me:


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Re: Alternative drilling suggestion ---
« Reply #2 on: March 04, 2008, 07:56:49 PM »
I've seen it transform the snappy Sure Strike into a smooth powerful strinking monster.

I know it did the same to my Zone Clssic and to a friend's Equation.
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Edited on 3/4/2008 8:57 PM
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Re: Alternative drilling suggestion ---
« Reply #3 on: March 05, 2008, 04:56:12 AM »
well then that answers my question.

i loved the reaction i got from my lane #1 carbide + drilled rico

only thing on that ball was it didnt always want to come back but that could have meant that it had finished flaring due to the particle load in that ball. just too much friction for lighter oil. kind of like a hook / set motion.

I also think the rico drilling does wonders for someone blessed with revs... at least thats what it did for me... (medium revs around 300)

might even help if you have say a ball like the sure strike but you already have a skid flip ball for lighter shots but want a ball to arc and finish hard... that would be a great time to consider rico to smooth out that sure strike and fill in the gap to cover some medium volumes.

for me the pin to pap distance created still keeps the ball very strong (medium-high tracker, about 3/4" away from thumb and fingers) but for others it might not work so well... so i think choosing a ball with the proper rg diff would be a strong determining factor for them.

this is all on what little experience i have with the drilling as ive only had it on one ball. id put it on something JUST to have a very different ball reaction when everything seems to be over/under.

keep in mind I also throw it much faster then you do (at the back deck from 16 when its oily all the way to 18.5 when its bone dry) so id bet that even a rico drill would let you play the big wheel

Edited on 3/5/2008 6:00 AM

Edited on 3/5/2008 6:00 AM


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Re: Alternative drilling suggestion ---
« Reply #4 on: March 05, 2008, 12:02:54 PM »

You can use a Rico drill on any ball, IF you take into account the ball's basic design, the bowler's delivery and the oil pattern. I just see it as being particularly useful for making skid/flippy balls more controllable. Bascially it makes any ball smoother and earlier; it makes them hook early, handle slightly more oil and more carrydown, and often makes them REQUIRE more oil to perform adequately.

Sorry if my suggestion and reply did not satisfy your question.

Ball reaction is not a simple matter; there CAN be a lot of complex issues solely because there are a lot of factors or variables involved.
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Re: Alternative drilling suggestion ---
« Reply #5 on: March 05, 2008, 12:12:20 PM »
no u answered my question... just felt like discussing it some thats all. wanted to make sure i understood what would happen if it was put on a skid/flip type of ball.

thats all.


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Re: Alternative drilling suggestion ---
« Reply #6 on: March 05, 2008, 05:21:46 PM »
no u answered my question... just felt like discussing it some thats all. wanted to make sure i understood what would happen if it was put on a skid/flip type of ball.

thats all.

Oh, okay.

BTW there's no guarantee that I am 100% right on this. It's just my opinion of what I have seen so far, but there has been a TON of discussion on it over the past 3 months in almost EVERY forum here.

When I first heard and read of the RICO, I regarded it as an extreme of the range of possible drillings. I no longer feel that way; now I see it as just another option, although a very good one and apparently a very popular one that can be used WELL by a high proportion of bowlers.
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