I really love my two Lanemasters balls, the Yeah Baby and Big-R-Bang. The YB seems kind of unique in that it's a high-load particle ball but not a heavy oil ball, though I would guess that at 400-grit it would handle some pretty soupy conditions. It absolutely ignores carrydown. My BRB is more of a medium to medium-light piece, it's at 1000-grit instead of the OOB high polish.
Like you said, the longevity is a big bonus for me. I can't buy a dozen (or even a half-dozen) balls a year, so I expect them to last a long time. Symmetric cores are simple, I don't have to worry about a strong asymmetric being too sensitive to release changes or being drilled just for me (got my two LM balls used and kept the layouts).
I'd say the hit is fantastic, but really, all balls hit when used on the proper conditions. They do hit hard, though.
I like the goodies that come with them, though that's only true now with the Legends line.
Without a profile, it's hard to recommend something, but for a fresh medium shot, the Buzz or BRB should do nicely. If the shot is more on the heavier side of mediums, something like the World Class Particle Pearl.