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Author Topic: Ball arsenal for flat oil patterns found on senior regional conditions  (Read 1024 times)


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What would be a good two to three Lanemaster ball arsenal for flatter regional conditons?  I just got a hornet.  Works great on our THS especially when it is drier outside.  Bowled on a 39'flat oil condition and the only ball that I brought with me capable of handling any oil was the NV and some weaker balls like a storm jolt.  These balls hooked about two to three boards.  The other bowlers were using Black Widows, No Mercies, Total Infernos, etc. I felt I was not on the same playing field. I am interested in Lanemasters with having the hornet and hearing good reviews about their equipment.  I was thinking about the Terminator for longer patterns and Black Pearl for some shorter patterns.  I am a considered a stroker with 15mph speed aveage revs.  What say you especially Laybzz 74?  Thanks for all replies.          



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Flat oil usually requires early rolling balls with (or drilled for) minimum backends.  So your saying that people used Black Widows and No Mercys surprises me, as these are balls with big backends, which reduce the amount of control normally needed for flat oil.

The NV is an early rolling ball requiring lots of oil, as far as I know; so those sorts of balls from Lanemasters/Legends include such as World Class Reactive & Masterpiece (for medium oil), NS2 (for medium to medium-heavy oil), and World Class(particle, for medium-heavy or more oil).

Other LM/L balls can be made more even reacting by drilling options and/or surface changes.

How you might have to drill them depends on how "flat" the oil actually is and your other deliver/release specs (tilt, rotation, ball speed).

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