T-Bone and banjoec,
Just a couple of thoughts:
- when sanding and re-polishing a ball, always use as light a coat of polish as possible, just to barely get a shine. Check the ball reaction before using the ball seriously in league or tournament. You can always add more polish, but you can't back off the shine. You have re-sand and start all over, when you get the results that you both asay you have gotten.
- while Lanemasters balls do seem to absorb oil a lot slower and take a lot longer to show performance loss, they do get there sooner or later. You do have to keep an eye on them and do an oil extraction (via whatever method you choose) to restore the ball's reaction.
For all I know, the Black Pearl may be susceptible to this. I tried one, wasn't fond of the reaction I got on the lanes I was bowling on at the time and got rid of it. So I can't comment one way or the other, except to say, "may be".
I know that sounds like 20/20 hindsight but sometimes we have to remind ourselves of that. Of all the LM/L ball I have used for all the games I have used them, I have only needed to do this twice but I did need to do it.
I still believe Lanemasters are some of the best balls ever made.
"None are so blind as those who will not see."