I have no experience yet just some thoughts:
I know their "premium" resin is supposed to absorb oil slower (that must be why they hook so little.
). With their slower absorption rate and very thick coverstocks, I can understand why they lose performance more slowly than other balls (except maybe Visionary and DT's Soakers).
With the thinner, 5/8" coverstocks on balls, like the XS Power and the Sure Strike (just got one myself), I will be inclined to be sure to clean them after each use, more so than than the thicker ones. I admit to being not quite as religious in my regimen of ball cleanign with Lanemasters balls, as I am with other brands of balls.
"None are so blind as those who will not see." Unofficial Ballreviews.com FAQEdited on 8/8/2008 9:18 PM