1. No way that both handle the same amount of oil unless you've been using the WC for along, long time and it is oil saturated.
2. There's no info about your release/delivery in your profile. SO it's hard to factor that into the equation.
2B. That drill is a generic length with strong backend drill DEPENDING on your actual PAP and release specs.
3. Do any other balls work on this unspecified condition? If so, how are they drilled and have you changed their surface.
4. If the WC reactive is going straight and the WC is flipping, I
suspect there's just too much oil. However, you must remember that house blended oil patterns can certainly disguise and confuse ball reactions. Often a wide variety of balls (like the polished WCR and the dull WC solid particle) can be used on the same pattern.
4. I've seen you post before but I don't remember your style and/or bowling capabilities. These 2 balls should be perfect complements, even drilled the same, UNDER NORMAL CIRCUMSTANCES. NOrmally you should not be able to use both on the same oil pattern. I just drilled a WCR and had to use an early rolling drill to calm it down, as it's a ferociously skid/flip backend ball.
5. On the other hand, if you're happy, in general, with the WCR's performance, maybe there's just not enough oil for the WC. Its "flipping" reaction is therefore a mystery to me, without more information.
-> Have you refreshed the WC's surface recently?
"None are so blind as those who will not see." Unofficial Ballreviews.com FAQEdited on 8/30/2008 9:47 AM