well, even when im fluffing the ball. My hornet works on medium oil. I can play up 10 all day long, if they get too dry for up 10, 12-5 works great also. The problem is, when the up 10 line gets dry, and/or outside of 7 is too dry to get any area at all, i cant move deeper with the hornet, at all. Anything 15 or deeper requires me to put more hand in it, & IMO the ball just isnt meant to be covering the lane.
From my exp so far with the hornet, it doesnt carry at all when covering more boards than it has to. So what im wanting is something that is right around 3-5 boards stronger than the hornet, & hooks a LITTLE earlier.
My hornet is drilled 4.5x4 Im thinking about doing the same 4.5x4 on the buzz, but with the pin under the ring, instead of above the ring. That SHOULD get the ball to roll just a BIT earlier, & have nice continuation thru the pins.