For all the years since I returned to bowling in 1995, I am currently finding myself thinking that I want to stop using all other balls and use only Lanemasters/Legends balls. I didn't know I had that much money (I don't really.)
This feeling (and it's still not a completely logical thought, for me yet, just a feeling.) has been growing the last few weeks. I just drilled my first Buzz and a new Big Kahuna (since 16 lb Stings have not been available). I also had my Yeah Baby plugged. (It had the same drill on my 16 lb as was on my 15 lb, but the cores must be different enough that the ball reaction is different. I've kept it that way for a long time to be sure but it is just not right for me as it was.) I'll go have it redrilled soon.
So, having a Hornet, a Buzz, a stock surface BK and polished, high pin New Standard and soon, a Yeah Baby! will give me a relatively full range, basic arsenal. Add 2 or 3 specific condition balls and I'll have a full range arsenal.
As you can tell, I'm beginning to put some thoughts behind my feelings towards these balls. Getting mentally and emotionally comfortable using these balls and getting certain expected ball reactions when using them in different situations, all add to raise my comfort level.
Yes, I still have a ton of other brands, (there are a bunch of great balls being designed and made these days.) in both 15 lb and 16 lb, drilled and undrilled, all sitting waiting to be used. Among my favorites are several Track, Brunswick, Dyno-Thane and Visionary balls. It'll be most difficult giving them up, if I do get to that point. (not sure I'll ever give up my Blue/Green Centaurs.)
While I love trying new balls and seeing their reactions, I am tired of forgetting just how every one of them react under certain circumstances. Having and using 25 - 30 balls get a bit draining on the memory capacity. It does affect the scores eventually. But it is fun!
Then there's the money aspect: takes too much money to test all these balls.
So, I'm getting the same point to which many other have gotten. I don't know if I'll ever fully be there, using just one brand. Some balls are hard to give up.
"None are so blind as those who will not see."
Worrying is like rocking in a rocking chair: it gives you something to do, but doesn't get you anywhere!"