I have both, and they are drilled for different purposes. The XD is pin under for an earlier read, while the BD is a 5" drill and gets great length. They are used for different lane conditions, with the XD being my heavy oil, longer pattern ball. It just loves the Shark or the Dead Man's Curve patterns. The BD handles Scorpion or Chameleon really well.
I still can't manage the Viper. As my Coach calls it, a house shot with a puddle in the middle. It's just too short for me. I can't find the right line.
Between the 2, the XD gets a straighter entry angle, while the BD comes in closer to 6 degrees. The XD holds a line on heavy oil over 13, out to 10-8 and back. The BD goes out to 5 and storms back. The XD reads earlier then the BD which carries deep up the lane.