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Author Topic: Just bought a used Yeah Baby; questions...  (Read 2661 times)


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Just bought a used Yeah Baby; questions...
« on: April 15, 2006, 07:16:41 AM »
I just bought a slightly-used 14lb Yeah Baby and I'm trying to integrate it into my arsenal. The ball is drilled stacked leverage right now with the pin under the ring, and I plan to keep the fingers where they are. The thumb is going to have to be plugged and moved just a bit for span purposes.

Here's my current arsenal, from most hook to least:

DynoThane Cure, leverage, box condition
Storm Dark Thunder, pin over ring, sanded
Roto Grip Silver Streak SE, pin over ring, CG swung out 1", box condition
Ebonite Elements Ice, pin over bridge, box
Storm Thunder, leverage, polished
AMF Velocity, ring drilled through the pin, CG in palm, weight hole near thumb, scuffed

What I want from the Yeah Baby is to put it somewhere between the Dark Thunder, which hooks fairly early, and the SSSE, which is drilled to be fairly smooth, but still with most of its energy saved for the breakpoint.

What I was considering was to polish up the Yeah Baby. Am I on the right track?




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Re: Just bought a used Yeah Baby; questions...
« Reply #1 on: April 15, 2006, 03:34:57 PM »
Under normal conditions, I'd say you're approaching this decision from the wrong direction. I am not sure why you believe you can force the YB into that slot. Polish will add length, allow you to use the YB on less oil and have less backend. But I am not sure what formula to tell you to start testing your theory with. I have not gotten successful results polishing my YB. I just never liked the reaction, but then I haven't tested all the combinations. I'm sure it can be done.

I have found that very little polish adds a lot of length to the ball. So if you try polish, my suggestion is to sand it to about 600 grit, then add a light dose of polish. I emphasize "light"; you can always add a little more.

In any case, the normal position for the YB, in my own opinion, is on top of the Cure.

My best results for more length and retaining hitting power were achieved with sandpaper and abralon, going from box finish to 1200 grit ( good results), to 2000 grit using Abralon (best results). (I haven't tried 4000 grit Abralon yet.)
"None are so blind as those who will not see."
"None are so blind as those who will not see."


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Re: Just bought a used Yeah Baby; questions...
« Reply #2 on: April 15, 2006, 05:11:50 PM »
I'm a mid/high-track player, with just above average speed and good revs. I don't have any need, really, for the ball to help me hook given the house condition I usually face.

My house shot is fairly wet in the heads and especially the middle, with back ends that usually scream. The SSSE would be my ideal ball but it has too much back end to be predictable most nights, particularly with the drill that is on it.

The reason I'm working the YB into that slot instead of the Dark Thunder or the Cure, basically, is because the YB came very cheap and has more games on it than either of the other two, and I'd rather experiment with it since I have less in it. I've also read the reviews page and noticed some people having good results from muting the surface of the ball a bit.

It also bears mentioning that the Cure doesn't even go in my bag most nights, and the Dark Thunder is borderline as to whether I can throw it on our usual oil pattern. If I were to make the YB go on top of the Cure, it would never get thrown.

I've had the bulk of my success over the years with polished solids, so when you combine that with the price of the YB and its condition, this seemed like the ideal opportunity to try something new.


Edited on 4/15/2006 5:12 PM


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Re: Just bought a used Yeah Baby; questions...
« Reply #3 on: April 15, 2006, 07:39:47 PM »
In that case, I can see trying a different drilling PLUS surface mods to calm it down. I'm afraid that the stacked drilling make make it too snappy, no matter the mod. Despite the heavy load of particles, the core is quite strong.

Polish is the only thing that will enable you to use it on less oil. From my experience if you sand it finer and then polish it, it will reduce the backend PLUS you can  use it on less oil.

BUT stacked drillings are maximum imbalance and still max out the amount of flip. But if you're going to test that's the way I'd suggest proceeding.
Try 1200 or 1500 grit, then polish it. Next step is 2000 grit plus polish; last is 4000 grit plus polish, as per usual.  

Good luck,
"None are so blind as those who will not see."
"None are so blind as those who will not see."


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Re: Just bought a used Yeah Baby; questions...
« Reply #4 on: April 25, 2006, 11:08:39 PM »
We decided to take it all the way up to 4000 abralon to keep it off other balls in my arsenal. Just drilled it up tonight and threw it in league. The ball did exactly what I wanted it to do -- very pleased. I'll post a review shortly.
