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Author Topic: Lane Masters Sting Widow Maker, Ultimate Power, Black Diamond Reactive, Terminator VIDEO  (Read 2967 times)


Spider Ball Bowler

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I didn't see a difference in any of those pieces at all.  They were all laid out the same, and he was able to play the same line with every one.
Ahhh Disco Biscuits!


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I agree, they all looked very similar and all had good carry when missing the target area at the 10 board.  Most of the time it appeared he was hitting 12 but when he missed that target he still seemed to carry.

This example of the 4 different balls being used has proven to me that ALL of the companies are bringing out equipment that is so similar that a bowler may have 5 or 6 balls that all do the same thing.  Unfortunately some people get caught up in the "if it is new it must be better" syndrome. It would have been nice to see what different lay outs would have done and of course different patterns of oil.

SURFACES and LAYOUTS play a very important part in what your bowling ball does. The problem that most of the above average bowlers who are not PROS have is that they cannot see a 6 inch or even a 1 foot difference in their break point let alone how the ball comes out of or goes into the mid lane.

My opinion is not meant to upset anyone, it is just what I have seen happen with the ball manufacturing companies over the last 10 to 20 years.  Lets face it, they have to make money to stay in business.


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It is unfortunate if you truly believe this. While it is true, in my mind, that we don't need every release every manufacturer puts out, many of them are different enough for different types of bowlers to be considered as useful tools. That is one of the keys to buying a "ball reaction": is it useful for you? (I'd rather not get into the details of a THS vs sport oil patterns at this time.)
There are two factors involved in that video that blur the line between the different balls. (For whatever it's worth, I also did not find this video of use to me at all either.)
One is the type of bowler portrayed. People who throw a small hook will naturally show much less difference between balls than a person who throws a larger hook. It does not have to be some super-cranker with 500 rpms, but an average tweener of 300 - 375 rpms might better show the differences between balls.
Two is the lane condition that allows misses left or right to hit the pocket. To my mind, such demonstrations would be better served by using flatter oil patterns IF ONLY TO SHOW what happens when the bowler does miss his target. Manufacturers would, of course, prefer such demos to show only strikes, but we, as bowlers, would learn little about the ball.
j1kjvan wrote on 12/18/2010 1:40 PM:I agree, they all looked very similar and all had good carry when missing the target area at the 10 board.  Most of the time it appeared he was hitting 12 but when he missed that target he still seemed to carry.

This example of the 4 different balls being used has proven to me that ALL of the companies are bringing out equipment that is so similar that a bowler may have 5 or 6 balls that all do the same thing.  Unfortunately some people get caught up in the "if it is new it must be better" syndrome. It would have been nice to see what different lay outs would have done and of course different patterns of oil.

SURFACES and LAYOUTS play a very important part in what your bowling ball does. The problem that most of the above average bowlers who are not PROS have is that they cannot see a 6 inch or even a 1 foot difference in their break point let alone how the ball comes out of or goes into the mid lane.

My opinion is not meant to upset anyone, it is just what I have seen happen with the ball manufacturing companies over the last 10 to 20 years.  Lets face it, they have to make money to stay in business.

"None are so blind as those who will not see."
"None are so blind as those who will not see."


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I believe you can see the difference in ball strength in the Terminator Resurrection vs. the other three whose ball strength is more similar. 
Buddies does a good job producing vids but I'd like to see some better vids on more even conditions.  USBC White #2 depending on lane topography would be interesting.

