The New Standard is the Cell, four years ago, except it has more hitting power. If you read the RG forum, you know how much I like the Cell. The NS covers the same oil handling range, medium to medium-heavy, depending on your hand (delivery & release) and the drilling; it is smooth, even arcing, but has an even wider pocket than the Cell and at least as much target and release forgiveness. That "supposed" crack when a Lanemasters ball hits the pocket can be heard easily with the New Standard.
The NS has a symmetric core.
Since they have come out about 4 years ago, there has always been an NS in my working arsenal and I always have at least one undrilled one. Today I have a 15 lb and a 16 lb undrilled pair, and, of course, a 15 lb and a 16 lb drilled pair. I'm thinking of drilling up one of the others for my summer PBA experience league.
The NS2 has a heavy load of diamond particles; the NS original has a light load of diamond particles.
"None are so blind as those who will not see." Unofficial FAQEdited on 5/10/2008 5:22 AM