Charlest, your response is much appreciated and far better stated than my question. I realize that much hinges upon my guess of the lane condition and what is true for you may or may not be true for me. If I wanted to get the exact same reaction of the BK on lighter oil, I think I would just get another BK and alter the drilling or surface or both. I was hoping to imitate a reaction that seems to work very well for me as a safe place to start with a different ball and any variation may be better or worse. I have enough room to raise the pin 3/4 of an inch (as compared to the drilling on my BK) and still have it under the fingers. I'll swing the CG to 75 degrees and go from there.
I was taught that if a lane condition forces you out of your comfort zone, you expand your comfort zone - not get another ball. Having more than one ball is new to me and more fun. Thanks for the help.
BTW, from a previous thread - The Buzz at 2000 abralon has more oil handling ability than OOB . . . IMO.