as on the title, omfg! i dont know what else to say!
on league in 2 different occasions:
1: left lane strike, right strike, left solid 8, right strike, left solid 9
2: same as above but on the reverse order
1 lane, same shot and solid 8s and 9s
i think no matter how strong mental game i have, i cant tolerate this kind of breaks!
i was pissed as hell, after that my game just went downhills, lost like 50 bucks
When a house bowler misses the mark, misses the break point and strike, for many ppl its called a wallshot. When a pro does that its call adjustment
When a house bowler gets his finger stuck in the ball and fall on the lanes, for many ppl its called lame bowler. When a pro does that its called the Machuga flop! ha i like this one.