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Author Topic: LM Advantage Review  (Read 5257 times)

Monster Stitch

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LM Advantage Review
« on: November 12, 2013, 07:13:52 PM »
Hello LM world. Just wanted to show you my review in our forum.

Weight: 15.04lbs
Pin: 4 inches
Top: 2.7 oz

Pin 3.5 from PAP
MB 5 from PAP
Dual: 55 x 3.5 x 25
Weight hole: 2 inches down from PAP and 13/16 x 2-1/2 inches deep

Weight: 15.02lbs
Pin: 4.9 inches
Top: 3.2 oz

Pin 5 from PAP
MB 4 from PAP
Dual: 50 x 5 x 30
Weight hole: 1 inch down from pap and 1 x 3 deep

I just recently drilled up these two new Lane Master Advantages because i heard it was similar to one of our sister company's ball the "Korrupt". The Advantage is suppose to rev up strong in the midlane, have an earlier break point than the Korrupt and be more angular on the back according to Tony Martin. I have to say Tony was exactly right.

Lane Type: Murray Synthetics
Pattern: Kegel Main Street
Length: 41ft
Volume: 19.30ML

I drilled both Advantages completely different. The purpose was to give me two different reaction shapes but be able to use it on multiple patterns. Advantage#1 drilled pattern is often referred to as a low flare layout. The short pin to pap gets the ball rolling pretty early and really controlled off the dry. This is great on wet/dry house shot and also on those very short sport shots with high volume upfront and friction down lane. At my center house, where i tested this ball, it was kind of tough. The reason why is that the Main Street pattern played slick. There is OB right of 6 and good amount in the middle. The only spot i could play with this ball is between 8 and 12 up the boards. With the fresh pattern and strip backs this ball showed it's true characteristics. The ball was clean up front, revved up in the midlane and set on the back end. I was very impress with the reaction and shape i got. The only tricky part with this layout in this ball is sometimes you have to hit the pocket a little high to get it to carry. It seemed that when the ball sets up in the back, and was not high flush enough you can leave a lot of back roll pins. Overall i am satisfied and know this will come in handy and will be in my tourney bag.

Advantage#2 is your traditional go long and recover ball. When the lanes start to breakdown and Advantage# 1 is checking up too early and getting lazy down lane, ball down this ball. This ball gives me 2 to 3 deep more length with a lot more recovery. This ball still revs up strong and keeps on driving. On the fresh Kegel Main St pattern, this ball is a little over under. You really have to lay it down and slow it down to get it to read the mid lane correctly. When the lanes start to break down front and in the track is when this ball will shine. I haven't tried this ball on lanes where there is friction on the gutter but I'm it would work even if the pattern is fresh.

Out of box i think these balls are way too shiny. It is very hard to be able to duplicate what the machine does for the factory finish. I am a big fan of taking the cover all the way down and bring it back up to the surface grit i want. Do not be afraid to change it to suit your game. For all the Lane Master fans from the past, this is another ball you will love. Thanks to Tony Martin for bringing back LM and creating high quality balls.
« Last Edit: November 12, 2013, 07:17:07 PM by Monster Stitch »


Joe Bowler

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Re: LM Advantage Review
« Reply #1 on: November 14, 2013, 03:19:06 PM »
Hi Lane Masters fans.  Would you describe the particle load in the Advantage as light, medium, or heavy?  Are the particles designed to make the ball hook sooner, later, more backend, etc.?
« Last Edit: November 14, 2013, 03:21:42 PM by Joe Bowler »

Monster Stitch

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Re: LM Advantage Review
« Reply #2 on: November 14, 2013, 03:50:27 PM »
Joe: I believe the Advantage has a medium particle load. Particle usually enhances the cover by gripping it more but for Lane Masters, we have more than just one type of particle we use in our products which create different looks.


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Re: LM Advantage Review
« Reply #3 on: November 14, 2013, 08:56:28 PM »
And these are...........

Joe Bowler

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Re: LM Advantage Review
« Reply #4 on: November 28, 2013, 09:24:08 AM »
I got tired of waiting for an answer and bought an Advantage myself.  I like it!  It pairs up well with my Lane Masters Big Bang SE, providing good traction on the backend, with an earlier, more arcing motion.

Pat Patterson

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Re: LM Advantage Review
« Reply #5 on: November 29, 2013, 05:49:09 AM »
And these are...........

Pat Patterson

Joe Bowler

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Re: LM Advantage Review
« Reply #6 on: November 29, 2013, 07:38:40 AM »
And these are...........


Not sure how clarifying the particle load in the Advantage as light, medium, or heavy, or if the particles are designed to make the ball hook sooner, later, more backend, etc., would be considered proprietary.  The new Power Ratings are helpful, but for bowlers looking specifically for a pearl particle ball, it would help to describe the performance characteristics of the added particle, without divulging any company secrets.

I, for one, was not aware of skid particles, so I was surprised by the reaction when I bought the LM Perfect after liking the LM Big Bang SE.  Unfortunately, the Perfect is now back in the box, and it has made me less confident about purchasing another pearl particle ball without knowing more about the particle content.  I felt like I was taking a chance when I bought the LM Advantage.  Fortunately, it was a better match for my game.
« Last Edit: November 29, 2013, 07:48:49 AM by Joe Bowler »

Joe Bowler

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Re: LM Advantage Review
« Reply #7 on: April 01, 2014, 12:38:43 PM »
2/23/2014 - 279, 269, 279, for a personal best 827 series with the Advantage.  Great ball!

Monster Stitch

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Re: LM Advantage Review
« Reply #8 on: April 01, 2014, 01:05:57 PM »
Great bowling Joe!