I just bought a slightly-used 14lb Yeah Baby and I'm trying to integrate it into my arsenal. The ball is drilled stacked leverage right now with the pin under the ring, and I plan to keep the fingers where they are. The thumb is going to have to be plugged and moved just a bit for span purposes.
Here's my current arsenal, from most hook to least:
DynoThane Cure, leverage, box condition
Storm Dark Thunder, pin over ring, sanded
Roto Grip Silver Streak SE, pin over ring, CG swung out 1", box condition
Ebonite Elements Ice, pin over bridge, box
Storm Thunder, leverage, polished
AMF Velocity, ring drilled through the pin, CG in palm, weight hole near thumb, scuffed
What I want from the Yeah Baby is to put it somewhere between the Dark Thunder, which hooks fairly early, and the SSSE, which is drilled to be fairly smooth, but still with most of its energy saved for the breakpoint.
What I was considering was to polish up the Yeah Baby. Am I on the right track?