While the Sure Strike and the XS Power are new balls and dynamite partners: medium-light to medium, and medium to medium-heavy, they are the new midrange price balls with filler. They do NOT lack hitting power. If they did, they wouldn't be Lanemasters balls.
If you want "no filler" and are just starting out with Lanemasters, I would STRONGLY suggest a used Buzz or World Class Reactive or Big-R-Bang or similar midange oil coverage ball (medium-light to medium oil) to, first, see if you like the Lanemasters type of ball, and, two, to see what type of drilling suits you. Many of their balls have higher RGs and lower Rg differentials and strong coverstocks. Your style may or may not "get along" with this type of ball. Don't invest a bunch of money til you're sure.
These are not cheap balls, and they can take some getting used to. So I suggest a used ball; so you don't invest too much money and you'll feel free to experiment with different drillings.
That said, the new basic "trinity" is the best place to start, for my money, because they all use the same core: Hornet (polished pearl), Buzz (polished pearl and Sting (polished particle; they call it "high sheen").
Hornet: light to medium-light oil
Buzz: medium-light to medium oil
Sting: medium to medium-heavy oil
Strangely enough, with the same drillings, I find that as I go from Hornet to Sting, the ball reaction gets flippier and flippier, while still very controllable.
For oil even heavier than the Sting can handle, You can use the Terminator (may need to be sanded to slightly roughed-up) or older balls like the World Class, Big Bang, and Yeah Baby.
"None are so blind as those who will not see." Unofficial Ballreviews.com FAQEdited on 1/13/2008 7:52 PM