They have fantastic equipment. Great ball cleaner and polish. Their bags are top notch. But their balls are not as dynamic but they last. They really really do. But finding a customer base that wants a ball to last years these days is tough. Getting them to pay over $200 for it, even more. They took all the perks out of the ball packages. You used to get a ball cup, cleaner, ball see/saw, and CD, they no longer do that. Due to cost cutting efforts. But it was one way for us to help sell the balls. It was a cut above in class, to be able to give the customer all these other things they got when buying the ball. Made the extra cost almost worth it. It also made some repeat customers, until they started giving too many balls away locally in "promotion" and clinics, destroying their local buying base.
They still have a great product. But now need to build back up a customer base. Their lower priced balls were total duds. And without this niche in the market they will not make it.