I've been around. I haven't been in the market for a new ball in a good while, so I haven't been keeping up with the new releases from the last year or so. I try to keep up with 900 Global, AMF, and Lanemasters. I started a new job back in August, so I'm not home to post all day like I used to be. Also, I got an Xbox 360 for Christmas and have been playing the snot out of Rock Band and Guitar Hero (OrangeLiveCard if anyone wants to play on XBL).
I was bowling pretty lousy the first half of this season and was about 10 pins under last year. Second half, me and my team really turned it around and we're comfortably in first. Lots of good games from all 5 of us.
Now that I've got a new high score, it's gettin' to be about time to go see the Ball Fairy and I'll be a little more active while I'm looking for a new rock.