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Author Topic: Please help with my Sure Strike  (Read 2363 times)


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Please help with my Sure Strike
« on: February 07, 2009, 05:42:11 PM »
I've been having problems ever since it got drilled. According to this and many other sites, the sure strike is supposed to have a great backend.  Problem is I don't see it. Instead for me, once it reaches the breakpoint, it completely rollsout as soon as it makes its move toward the pocket, missing it completely.  I've tried playing outside, inside, whatever and the same thing happens over and over. I've tried changing my release style and I've been to different centers to see if the oil patterns might be the cause, but that still doesn't work.

I went to my local proshops to see if the drilling might be the cause, but they tell me it's either how you throw or the oil, which I explain above isn't the case.  

They also tell me, my drilling is fine and should provide me with some backend. My sure strike is drilled 4 1/4 X 4 1/4 from PAP, which is 5 5/8 up 1 1/4 over.  The pin is above my ring finger and the weight hole is above my PAP.  I think it might be something with weight hole, since i read it greatly effects reaction in symmetrical core balls, but I'm not sure.

If anyone can help me with my problem I would appreciate it.



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Re: Please help with my Sure Strike
« Reply #1 on: February 08, 2009, 06:50:17 AM »
The Sure Strike does get excellent length and have a strong to very strong backend for most average rev rate and average ball speed bowlers. It borders on a skid/slip reaction but it still, as far as I have seen, needs at least medium oil to save up energy.

Your drilling doesn't seem unusual, although the up portion of your PAP is a little bit high.

Because the SS does need some oil (it doesn't work well on lighter oil unless you have higher ball speed than your rev rate), I suspect you may be getting into the dry too early. "Rollout" is usually the result of too much dry for the ball speed and the roughness/friction level of the coverstock. I'd suggest trying to catch the dry a little further down the lane.
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Re: Please help with my Sure Strike
« Reply #2 on: February 08, 2009, 07:08:12 AM »
try 4000 abralon maybe????
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Re: Please help with my Sure Strike
« Reply #3 on: February 08, 2009, 07:14:28 AM »
According to the Lanemasters' drill sheet, a weight hole above your PAP on your VAL will reduce the overall reaction of the ball.  Have it filled and put a new weight hole two inches below your PAP on the VAL.  You'll probably get the backend you're looking for.

( o )( o )

Edited on 2/8/2009 8:14 AM


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Re: Please help with my Sure Strike
« Reply #4 on: February 08, 2009, 10:49:19 AM »
Thanks everyone for your replies.  Regarding Charlest's statement, would you suggest I have my PAP remeasured?  I've been hearing this from my local proshops that it is too high as well but my first coach was the one who gave me the measurements when I had one of my ball drilled.


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Re: Please help with my Sure Strike
« Reply #5 on: February 08, 2009, 12:32:42 PM »
Thanks everyone for your replies.  Regarding Charlest's statement, would you suggest I have my PAP remeasured?  I've been hearing this from my local proshops that it is too high as well but my first coach was the one who gave me the measurements when I had one of my ball drilled.

I wouldn't say it was too high, just higher than the average range. If you think it's wrong or not close enough, remeasuring is not a big deal. That 1 1/4" up means the track distance from the fingers is larger than "average" than the the distance of track from thumb. Few people are "average". Many people fall within a range.

If it's been a while since you got that measurement, by all means have it remeasured.

"None are so blind as those who will not see."

Edited on 2/15/2009 6:39 AM
"None are so blind as those who will not see."


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Re: Please help with my Sure Strike
« Reply #6 on: February 15, 2009, 01:22:17 AM »

I went to my local proshop today to place a new weight hole on my sure strike since the original had been plugged.  My problem is that he said he can't drill one lower because it would add finger weight.  What should I do now?  

He instead drilled my finger holes deeper.  What does this mean?  Lastly he told me i didn't need a balance hole.  I want to know why?  I am asking so much because I don't see a skid/flip reaction from my sure strike like i mention above, even with the weight hole plugged.  

It still quits on me and rollsout, moving in an arc like reaction.I tried polishing it, but it doesn't change it significantly. I want to add a weight hole but i don't know what to say.  I would greatly appreciate it if I have some help right now.

Edited on 2/15/2009 2:23 AM


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Re: Please help with my Sure Strike
« Reply #7 on: February 15, 2009, 05:52:16 AM »

I went to my local proshop today to place a new weight hole on my sure strike since the original had been plugged.  My problem is that he said he can't drill one lower because it would add finger weight.  What should I do now?  

I'd STRONGLY suggest calling Galen at Lanemasters. He's their resident expert on drillings to get the desired ball reactions.


He instead drilled my finger holes deeper.  What does this mean?  

It means he removed finger weight. I presume he did that because you asked him to fill in the original high (above your PAP) weight hole.

This ball has a simple symmetric core. I wonder why your driller is having such a hard time getting the reaction you want from this ball.

Have you asked him why the ball is not giving the reacion you wanted?
Did you originally ask him to drill it to gove you this reaction?


Lastly he told me i didn't need a balance hole.  I want to know why?  

Because the ball fell within the leagl limits for static weights.
BUT just because it is legal doesn't mean you can't have a weight hole, IF the weight hole is needed to help cause the reaction you want.

There are 2 purposes to weight holes. One, is to make sure the ball falls within the legal limits for top/bottom, side and finger weights. Two, is modify the corem by removing a portion of the core to cause a change in the dynamic relationships of the core: changing differentials to cause increases or decreases on the flare potential of the core.

It sounds like your driller is only focusing on #1. He should know a lot about #2 but is not doing anything on this matter for you for some reason. Why not ask him directly, politely.


I am asking so much because I don't see a skid/flip reaction from my sure strike like i mention above, even with the weight hole plugged.  

It still quits on me and rollsout, moving in an arc like reaction.I tried polishing it, but it doesn't change it significantly. I want to add a weight hole but i don't know what to say.  I would greatly appreciate it if I have some help right now.

Your driller is the one to be doing this because he can watch you bowl, should know the conditions on which you bowl and should know your other balls. Doing this with only words and not being to see what's going on is extremely difficult. Any number of things could be happening to cause this: amount of oil, the characteristics of your release, etc.

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Re: Please help with my Sure Strike
« Reply #8 on: February 15, 2009, 07:45:51 AM »
let me get this straight...

you pap is 5 5/8 and 1 1/4 up... thats fine

it sounds to me like your ball was drilled and it ended up with some extra weight up towards your fingers and it was probably too much to be considered legal. so they originally added a weight hole to remove this weight.

well then you say you had the weight hole plugged, and if the weight hole was to remove the weight up high well then hes right he would then have to remove that weight in another way... thats why he said if you wanted the weight hole gone he would have to drill the fingers deeper thus removing the weight thats up high.

charlest is correct i agree with him 100% in this quote:

"The Sure Strike does get excellent length and have a strong to very strong backend for most average rev rate and average ball speed bowlers. It borders on a skid/slip reaction but it still, as far as I have seen, needs at least medium oil to save up energy.
Your drilling doesn't seem unusual, although the up portion of your PAP is a little bit high.

Because the SS does need some oil (it doesn't work well on lighter oil unless you have higher ball speed than your rev rate), I suspect you may be getting into the dry too early. "Rollout" is usually the result of too much dry for the ball speed and the roughness/friction level of the coverstock. I'd suggest trying to catch the dry a little further down the lane."

end quote

the sure strike does not work well on dry, it is strictly a medium oil ball. i would also be careful what surface you have on the ball... you said you polished the ball. did the proshop just add more polish, cuz i believe it comes somewhat polished from the factory.

was it polished when you first got it in your hands? if it wasnt then the surface BEFORE you polished it may be way too rough even with polish over it it can cause your ball to burn up its energy early and rollout

i cant stress how important the surface of the ball is.... make sure that the surface you start with is no lower then 800 grit US standards and then polish on top of that OR use a higher grit such as 2000 grit or 4000 grit abralon then polish. the 2000 grit abralon pads are close to 1000 grit US standards. and 4000 abralon is close to 2000 in US standards.

the abralon pads are a higher grit then we are used to cuz they are rated with the P standards which is kind of like the difference between our measurements and metric. they are just different standards and ways of rating the actual grit.

charlest can explain this better then me as everything im stating ive learned from his posts on this website and my own observations of ball reaction.

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Re: Please help with my Sure Strike
« Reply #9 on: February 15, 2009, 09:55:10 AM »

Did both you and your driller polish this ball, as icewall said?
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