Did you sand the one you bought to rougher surface?
The stock surface is sort of a compound finish (almost a light polish) to make it more versatile. If you sanded it with even a light grey nylon pad (800 grit US, 2000 grit Abralon pad is 1000 grit US), it would be much more aggressive. There are two different sized particles in that coverstock, one large and one small, just for that purpose. If necessary, the green nylon pad is approximately 600 grit US.
Try that first, unless you got rid of the ball, before buying a new one.
Weight holes often, but not always make a ball more aggressive. It depends on where you PAP is and where they put the weight hole.
The usefulness of the ball also depends on how the ball was drilled with respect to your PAP, although, in general, the surface is much more important than the drilling.
One other thought:
As resistant as Lanemasters balls are to getting oil soaked too quickly, over time, they also do absorb enough oil to reduce their performance. It depends on their use. If you bought a used ball, it's always safest to do an oil extraction (Revivor treatment, hot water bath, whatever) before using it.
"None are so blind as those who will not see."