With the wrong drilling,both the Sting and the Buzz can induce some over/under reaction due to their highly polished base coverstock and their low flare potential.
Both covers are easily adjustable.
I tried my Buzz at 2 optional surfaces:
1. 2000 dull completely sanded: with this cover it was able to easily handle medium-heavy oil. It was interesting but not what I needed.
2. I sanded it back to 800 grit and then reapplied Legends factory polish LIGHTLY. AT this stage, it was earlier than the stock cover (this is what you, Phlap218, may need) and also handled slightly heavier oil, probably true medium, maybe very slightly more. Or I could just stand 5 -8 baords deeper than I did with the stock highly polished cover. It also handled more carrydown this way.
Ultimately I took it back to its stock highly polished cover; it still handled some carrydown and is just the way I like it.
The STing can also be resanded to 800 girt. Then add a light dose of Legends polish. This should have an equivalent effect that I described above with the Buzz.
FYI Of course, you can redrill both with either a lower and/or a closer-to-the-Pap oin position to get them to have less over/under also. They still might need a surface adjustment, which you shoudl have no hesitancy about trying.
Good luck.
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