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Author Topic: The masterpiece  (Read 1305 times)


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The masterpiece
« on: November 26, 2008, 05:35:49 PM »
Hi all,

I have recently come into possession of a Masterpiece with about 30 or 40 games on it(I already have a Big Bang, Buzz & Hornet) and I have a couple of questions.

1. Can anyone tell me what 'box' condition was for the masterpiece so I can resurface it & get it back to that surface

2. How does it compare to the Buzz (in general)

Thanks in advance

Dale Stewart
Better to be called a geek than an idiot
Dale Stewart
Better to be called a geek than an idiot



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Re: The masterpiece
« Reply #1 on: November 27, 2008, 05:24:10 AM »
The MP is generally stronger and earlier than the Buzz. It handles, IMHO, about 1/2 to a full notch more oil, when both have the stock surface.

The MP has, what seems to me, to be the strongest/hardest coverstock I have seen in a ball. Since Legends ONLY says it's a "reactive" ball, I assume it's one of their hidden solid/pearl combinations. It's almost strong enough to called a particle pearl in its ball reaction. As an example, I sanded it and a New standard (a light load solid particle of good strength for such a ball) to 2000 grit Abralon. The MP actually hooked more  and earlier than the NS and the NS remains to this day my favorite Legends/Lanemasters ball.

I would not recommend drilling this ball too strongly, unless you have high ball speed with respect to your rev rate. Of course, don't go overboard and drill it super weak. If you're anywhere near average ball speed & rev rate, use a 4.5" pin-PAP drill at a minimum.

The core is relatively high flaring for a Lanemasters ball. I'd really suggest a pin over the ring finger or over the center of bridge, if you have a true average release (not mixed handicap average release. ).

Stock surface is their generic 800 grit US (light grey Scotch Brite pad + strong/heavy dose of their (non-abrasive) Lanemasters Factory Finish polish. I'd suggest using a 1000 grit Abralon pad or a Green nylon, Scotch Brite pad to get a base level on it and then use the light grey pad to get it to 800 grit.
(1000 grit Abralon is approx. 550 grit US green pad is approx 600 grit US.)

"None are so blind as those who will not see."
"None are so blind as those who will not see."


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Re: The masterpiece
« Reply #2 on: December 04, 2008, 08:13:37 AM »
i got one of these used recently. after getting it fit to my hand i got to throw it yesterday, but not on the THS. there is supost to be some college matches soon at that bowling alley so what kind of shot did they have down? it was a 46ft long and pretty thick with OOB past 5. i told the guy i wanted to try my new ball and he was like "well if u wanna watch your ball go straight then go ahead, cuz its not going to move on that pattern". i put my shoes on and threw my first ball and just trying to get loose threw it down and in. ball when down about 40ft acred and then took off. 2nd frame the guy that told me it wasnt going to move came down there to say "see i told u so". so now i stood where i normally do (standing on 25 with my right foot, hitting 15 @ arrows, 3-5 on break point) his cocky little smile dropped fast, he said something under his breath and just walked away. this ball made this pattern look sooo easy. this thing is a beast and great looking too
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Re: The masterpiece
« Reply #3 on: December 04, 2008, 09:59:42 AM »
Jeff is 100 percent correct as usual, MP is one the strongest resin balls ever made dull it outhooked about anything I had at the time. Dulled it was a super oiler shined up it was still pretty early but a good ball.

Best looking ball made in awhile the New Breed Pearl is really close to looking like it though.

I screwed up and dumped it off too cheap, some day when i have more money i will find another NIB ball.

The MP is generally stronger and earlier than the Buzz. It handles, IMHO, about 1/2 to a full notch more oil, when both have the stock surface.

The MP has, what seems to me, to be the strongest/hardest coverstock I have seen in a ball. Since Legends ONLY says it's a "reactive" ball, I assume it's one of their hidden solid/pearl combinations. It's almost strong enough to called a particle pearl in its ball reaction. As an example, I sanded it and a New standard (a light load solid particle of good strength for such a ball) to 2000 grit Abralon. The MP actually hooked more  and earlier than the NS and the NS remains to this day my favorite Legends/Lanemasters ball.

I would not recommend drilling this ball too strongly, unless you have high ball speed with respect to your rev rate. Of course, don't go overboard and drill it super weak. If you're anywhere near average ball speed & rev rate, use a 4.5" pin-PAP drill at a minimum.

The core is relatively high flaring for a Lanemasters ball. I'd really suggest a pin over the ring finger or over the center of bridge, if you have a true average release (not mixed handicap average release. ).

Stock surface is their generic 800 grit US (light grey Scotch Brite pad + strong/heavy dose of their (non-abrasive) Lanemasters Factory Finish polish. I'd suggest using a 1000 grit Abralon pad or a Green nylon, Scotch Brite pad to get a base level on it and then use the light grey pad to get it to 800 grit.
(1000 grit Abralon is approx. 550 grit US green pad is approx 600 grit US.)

"None are so blind as those who will not see."