I'm very impressed with the company.
I just picked up my Black Pearl and Straight Flush yesterday.
(I just switched from using finger grips, which I have used for 20+ years, to no grips. First time using.)First game with the Black Pearl: 258, would have been 300 if I hadn't topped a couple of shots. Ball has great finish. (Drilled 3-1/2 x 3-1/2)
2nd game threw the "Straight Flush" off the 3-4 board, straight down and in, shot 224...This ball does not hook, more than 2-4 balls...great for dry lanes.
(Drilled 3-1/2 x 3-1/2)
I have a NIB Satisfaxion, sitting here, which I'm tempted to drill up, instead of sell...Also an NS2, New Standard and Big Kahuna...
I guess all my Track stuff will have to be sacrificed to the Lanemaster Gods.
And there is a "Crack" when these balls hit the pins.
Duke Harding
"A Great Bowler thinks only of what's in Front of Him."
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