The NS2 being a heavy load of particle with a good deal of flare, in general, shoudl do fairly well on some carrydown. If yours is at 4000 grit, it may do less well than other NS2s with a lower grit.
I've been foolign around with an NS2, recently. I tried a 2000 grit (orange Trizact) plus a bunch of Finesse-it polish to get some length on less than medium oil. (Drill: 5x4, with pin over ring finger and CGstacked below, no weight hole.) On a pretty burnt up from 3rd arrow and outside, Sunday morn practice session (last oil before Friday night leagues), I was able toplay pretty deep, well ... was only able to play retty deep. Even withthat fine, polished surface, I was able to overcome the carrydown around the 2nd arrow.
(Oh, it was Guardian overlay for the first 30 feet; wood for the next 30 just to insure you knew we had carrydown - the nature of Guardian).
FYI on a house blend this ball made an almost uncontrollable left turn, due to the cover, the oil and the flare of the core.
I've since taken the cover down to 1500; not sure when I'll get to test that one.
"None are so blind as those who will not see."