I think a Masterpiece remake would be a great idea as well - frankly I''m a bit suprised that LM didn''t do a Particle (Yeah Baby), Particle Pearl (Xtreme Damage), and Solid (Masterpiece) combo the first time around. Of course, there have been a couple of other pairings that didn''t have the Particle Pearl middleground. (Thinking of the Terminators and the Big Bangs here - the New Standard/Black Pearl line took a few years to come around to the BPR).
Another suggestion would be a true pearl in a couple of their lines - most would agree that the Buzz was a fantastic ball, but to my rememberance (at work so I don''t have access to all my notes), it was pretty much if not the only true pearl, then only one of a couple LM ever produced.
edit (and yes, I''m enough of a geek/fan to make notes on all data pertaining to every ball line made by LM, I''ll admit it. RG values, coverstocks, resurfacing procedures, etc.)
Edited on 12/23/2009 4:33 PM