I think one of the most amazing match-ups for me was the Terminator Core (bell-shaped weight block). I have owned about all of the Lane Master balls and the Original Terminator was by far my favorite. The Rebellions Coverstock was hit or miss for alot of people so I dont think they should use that reacitve solid mixture unless of course in a lower RG bowling ball.
I think you guys should look into developing a new Terminator with a Heavy load coverstock such as the Black Pearl coverstock, and maybe go weaker with something thats on the BigR Bang ball. That would make a hellova combination.
Also you guys need to start making balls thats more appealing to the consumers, eye... You need to work on getting some different colors, something that a customer will be like wow. Some of your releases such as the Dynamic Power Particle, XS Power, to even the newest Extreme Damage just isn't at all appealing. Granted they may be AWSOME balls, the consumers will over look them based on appearance only. I know thats sad to say but its probably the truth. Some of your more appealing balls like the Masterpiece and the BigR Bang should be a starting point. I would say that most people love their Masterpiece because the durn things are so pretty. Heck the Terminator Series even looked fantastic, then again the Black Pearls were probably better, but yet the consumer maybe mislooked it because its just a black ball.......
Sorry this has been so long, I just wanted to help. I hope Lane Master keeps making great products, and continues to grow. John