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Author Topic: bought a used buzz... ?'s  (Read 2151 times)


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bought a used buzz... ?'s
« on: February 03, 2008, 03:49:10 AM »
like the title says i bought a barely used buzz from ebay to use on the lanes near me that are on the dry side.

it is still in OOB surface and thought it would take the place of my lane #1 evolution. WOW not in OOB!!!

the lanes were fine in the heads but bone dry on the outsides with a little touch of carrydown. couldnt keep this ball on the right. it just flat out hooks.

keep in mind it is currently drilled with the pin above my middle finger (RH drill) so it is drilled very tame (maybe 5 1/2 to 6 inches away) I had to knuckle the ball as it hasnt been drilled for my hand yet but i got an idea of what the buzz is like. its much more ball then I thought it would be.

did others find this ball to be quite aggressive... or am I reading too much into what i saw out of too dry lanes for the buzz in OOB?



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Re: bought a used buzz... ?'s
« Reply #1 on: February 03, 2008, 12:00:32 PM »
Good medium ball.  I can use mine to light medium to dryish if I move in and symmetrical core keeps balls in 1-3 very readable.  I think, I tend to think that you really got on some dry lanes.



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Re: bought a used buzz... ?'s
« Reply #2 on: February 03, 2008, 12:20:54 PM »
well from what i could see it is stronger then my evolution (reviews state it as hooking more then my evolution in magazines so no shock here)

ive thrown my evo on burned lanes (same house) and they are both not good on super dry lanes... also not a surprise as both are geared towards medium/medium-light oil.

ill find out next week when i get it drilled. (cant really throw it fast or with the revs i normally have) but so far they both break too early for drier lanes.

might have to get a hornet... IF i can sell my lane #1 balls.


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Re: bought a used buzz... ?'s
« Reply #3 on: February 03, 2008, 12:23:19 PM »
I don't know anything about Lane #1 so I can't give a fair comparison.  Hornet good ball for dry but doesn't like carry down.



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Re: bought a used buzz... ?'s
« Reply #4 on: February 03, 2008, 12:29:14 PM »
I don't know anything about Lane #1 so I can't give a fair comparison.  Hornet good ball for dry but doesn't like carry down.

yea but what dry lane ball would like carrydown?


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Re: bought a used buzz... ?'s
« Reply #5 on: February 03, 2008, 12:37:18 PM »
I can get an SS Ogre with OOB surface weaker drill than my Hornet to face up better with better carry slightly inside of the line I'd try with a stronger drilled Hornet just for comparison's sake.  The SS does better on carry down for me.  As aways your YMMV.




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Re: bought a used buzz... ?'s
« Reply #6 on: February 03, 2008, 12:57:09 PM »
hmmm... was under the impression that the ogre ss was has a stronger somewhat softer coverstock then the hornet.

or is the hornet really that strong?


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Re: bought a used buzz... ?'s
« Reply #7 on: February 03, 2008, 01:09:38 PM »
hmmm... was under the impression that the ogre ss was has a stronger somewhat softer coverstock then the hornet.
 Tes.  Probably why it handles carry down better.

or is the hornet really that strong?

I don't think it's all that strong.  If bowling on dryer lanes with lil carry down present it would be a great ball to choose.



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Re: bought a used buzz... ?'s
« Reply #8 on: February 03, 2008, 01:24:17 PM »
alright thats what I was thinking.

i think too many people want a ball that needs to hook in dry but does in carrydown. im sorry but making a ball hook equally on both oil and super dry doesnt exist.

id rather spend my money on practice then another ball. (I have enough as is )


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Re: bought a used buzz... ?'s
« Reply #9 on: February 03, 2008, 01:27:38 PM »
Just giving what I think are valid comparisons.  Not enough really know as they may not have the comparable equipment nor have a varied enough technique.  any give comparisons without actually having rolled the ball or balls. As always YMMV.



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Re: bought a used buzz... ?'s
« Reply #10 on: February 03, 2008, 04:11:10 PM »
hmmm... was under the impression that the ogre ss was has a stronger somewhat softer coverstock then the hornet.
 Tes.  Probably why it handles carry down better.

or is the hornet really that strong?

I don't think it's all that strong.  If bowling on dryer lanes with lil carry down present it would be a great ball to choose.

Interesting conversation so far, guys.

Let me throw some information/obserations into the mix here.
I have a Hornet, drilled roughly 4.5x5.5. pin in ring finger, CG 1/2" negative side of grip center, stock surface.
Cell, stock surface, pin in ring finger (hmm, nice coincidence!), MB just right of thumb hole, roughly 5"-5.5" from PAP.
Practiced today (with Mark Curran of Roto-Grip forum "fame").
Lanes were dry-ish outside of 8 board, with medium-heavy or more inside of 3rd arrow.
We were using our light oil balls, Mark a Neptune with 5.5" pin and me the Hornet and a glossed B/G Centaur.

I tried the Cell for a game or so inside, standing around 35 targeting 10-11 baord at breakpoint; didn't want ot get it outside as I knew it was dry. Turned out to be over/under for the Cell,  with light hits hitting 11-14 atbreakpoint, mixing nicely and balls around 10 turning up evenly, Outside 10 was "Left-turn now, Clyde!"

His Neptune, and my Centaur (the two midlest balls)  were good getting it out to anywhere from 4 - 8. Around 9 or 10, neither would make the turn.

My Hornet, being slightly stronger than those two balls, I had to play a breakpoint of around 9 - 11, standing around 30.

That's the background. The surprise - in the 6th game, I was using the Cell, talking a little too much, getting distracted, I grabbed the Hornet by mistake, lined up for my Cell shot, hit the 11/12 board area, with a nice even release, the skidded a little longer than I expected, but did hook, hit light and got a wall shot. When I went over to the next lane to wait for the ball to return, the Cell was already waitnig for me. Hunh? Then the Hornet returned.

I realized I had thrown the Hornet and not the Cell. That's not exactly a strong drill I have on the Hornet. It does handle more oil than expected and some carrydown, depending on "hand" and drilling.

While I like mine, I sometimes wish I had drilled it milded. It seems to fit between by 2000 grit matte Centaur and my high gloss polished Centaur, which is milder then (or, at least, as mild as) Mark's Neptune, I believe.

Sorry for the excess verbiage, but a full explanation gives you a better picture.
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Re: bought a used buzz... ?'s
« Reply #11 on: February 03, 2008, 04:18:35 PM »

Regarding your Buzz, is/was the problem that it had too much backend or just too much overall hook?

Mine had too much backend, where I bowl; so I took it back down to its original 800 grit and when I re-applied the Legends polish, I only took it to a good polish level, not the high gloss shine that came out of the box. It made the backend more controllable for me. I probably drilled it too strong, but would rather not re-drill, if a surface change works. Unfortunately my house has gone to even lighter oil and I can't use it there at all now. (sigh ...)

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Re: bought a used buzz... ?'s
« Reply #12 on: February 03, 2008, 08:41:07 PM »
in reality conditions today were just too light for the buzz... unless maybe I polish it up but im not looking for more backend.

since it isnt yet drilled exactly for my hand I cant tell... but if I had to take an educated guess id say the coverstock/surface was too aggressive for the VERY light amount of oil that was down.

ill find out better next monday... (not tomorrow)

but ill put my money on the ball just being more aggressive then my evo... especially considering my evo is drilled MUCH stronger and i threw the evo with a lot more revs. (as well as rotation)

so im going to say scotts hit the nail on the head. VERY dry lanes for a ball that would work great for medium to medium light....

now i have to figure out how i want to drill it.

Edited on 2/3/2008 9:44 PM


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Re: bought a used buzz... ?'s
« Reply #13 on: February 04, 2008, 09:55:41 PM »
i have about:

~300 revs
~16.5 mph
50+ degrees rotation

high track (VERY close to thumb a bit out from the fingers)

my friend was able to fit into the buzz as he has more forward pitch then me and the buzz is drilled too much forward pitch for me.

I thought he would hate the ball as he likes big hooking balls like his no mercy... but for some reason he liked how tame it was drilled and that he could rev it up and swing it (down and in) right into the dry.

he had some sweet shots breaking at the 3 all the way to the 1 board where it didnt look like it was doing anything then it smoothly came back and blew the rack. he was just happy that he could predict the balls reaction... not something hes used to with the no mercy.

he was also shocked when he told me I wanted to drill it stronger (around 4 1/2  pin to pap maybe 5)

thought it was strong enough. but i told him that it was the coverstock doing most of the work. that a closer pin will help define the breakpoint making it easier to read rather then watching it skid REAAAL long like it does now. (i want it a pinch sooner.... you have to wait too long now for the ball to make its move left)

so yes... in short the lanes were fried on sunday. today they were perfect as I used my evo all night and got into the 650's with ease.

hes looking for a dry lane ball and I think ive opend his eyes to other companies then just the latest hook monster that the pro shop has on shelf. (after all... he did buy a no mercy for the very lanes that I complain that are too dry )


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Re: bought a used buzz... ?'s
« Reply #14 on: February 05, 2008, 05:41:28 PM »
in case anyone was wondering I convinced my friend to take my advice and he ordered a cherry vibe.

I think he will be happy as he is looking for a strong ball motion for lighter/shorter oil with a consistant reaction (not jumpy)

we both get our balls on thursday. should be fun to finally throw our new stuff. arent new things just so much fun?