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Author Topic: World class particle or World class reactive  (Read 1561 times)


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World class particle or World class reactive
« on: August 28, 2008, 04:04:58 AM »
I have the world class particle, great ball. I was looking for a complement to it and was thinking about getting a world class particle pearl. My question is, is there a need for the WCR if I get the WCPP? I have my WCP stacked maybe like 4 1/2 by 4 1/2 with a weight hole in the thumb quadrant. I will be drilling the WCPP the same way. Let me know what you think. I think that I can cover the heavier side of medium all the way down to dry with these to pieces.



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Re: World class particle or World class reactive
« Reply #1 on: August 28, 2008, 12:09:30 PM »
i have all 3. i have the WCR and WCPP drill the same way. they do the same thing. they both are touchy on carry down.  i have tried differnt surfaces and they they are best OOB. i have both rico'd so i get a tamed reaction. i had a WCR drilled label and it had a huge backend. would have to open up the night standing in the left gutter. they are great balls. just drill them differntly
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Re: World class particle or World class reactive
« Reply #2 on: August 28, 2008, 01:03:34 PM »

I had the WC, 2 of them, in fact. I now have the WCR. I think it is the "partner" to the WC, not the WCPP. I think it could be made into the partner, with the right drill and the right surface,depending on how you drilled the WC AND on your release/delivery. Drilled the same, there might be too much overlap to be complements. I say, "MIGHT". A lot depends on the oil pattern you see, and your release. That's a fairly strong drilling.

I see you say you can "cover the heavier side of medium all the way down to dry with these to pieces.". If your WC particle only covers the heavier side of medium and not all the way to true medium, then the WCPP should cover down to maybe medium-light oil, but I'd have a hard time believing it can be used on true dry. Not sure if you can drill the WCPP weak enough to cover dry.

I suspect you have either a high ball speed or a low rev  rate. Odd, your profile indicate neither. Rev Rate of 275 - 300, ball speed 15 - 17.
You should be able to cover a lot more oil than heavy medium with the WC??
Maybe our definitons of medium and dry are different ...


Based on reviews and people's comments here, I drilled my WCR not quite Rico, but in a similar fashion to soften the basic skid/flip tendency of that ball. SO far, it worked and it is definitely not skid/flip and does handle some carrydown with the stock surface. Of course, whether it does or not for a particular bowler, depends on a whole bunch of factors, as per normal
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Re: World class particle or World class reactive
« Reply #3 on: August 28, 2008, 02:05:32 PM »
Thanks for the replies guys. Lets me try and give a better explanation. Charlest I should have said I can cover medium light all the way up to heavy oil with the world class. I have a up the back of the ball release most of the time. I can vary it at times and come around it more. I can add a lot of lift to the World Class and start it early to handle more oil or take hand out and loft it to handle light oil. As long as I can find a little oil this ball will work. I could be wrong about the 4 1/2 by 4 1/2 part of my post, it might be more like 5 by 5. The pin is beside and above the fingers. I wondered about whether there was a need for both because I read in another post that they can be used on the same conditions and there wasn't a need for both the WCPP and the WCR. Oh and I'm a lefty so I can usually stay with a ball for the three games of league as long as I'm the only one on that side for the night, with little changes in release or move my target a little. Throwing particle helps me deal with carry down when its more then me on the left side that night. I'm starting to like legends/Lane masters because of the low diff and decent flare potential build into there equipment. Like a lot of lefties my A game is staying left, and there bowling balls help with that. I was surprised the other day at the alley when on a dry condition I could break my wrist and just come out of the ball and it worked better then anything else I had in the bag even urethane. I plan on getting a hornet for the dryer conditions but I decided to get a WCPP or WCR because they are getting few and far between and I have a chance to get one for a good price. So let me get this straight charlest your vote is for the WCR. zone says get both and drill them different, cool. Thanks for the advice.


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Re: World class particle or World class reactive
« Reply #4 on: August 28, 2008, 03:11:15 PM »

If that's the situation with your WC, I'd say get one or the other. If you got all 3, well, if a righty got all 3, one of them would just give him a different look on the same oil pattern, or they'd overlap and little more than you'd normally have 2 adjacent/complementary balls overlap.

If you see a lot of carrydown, on the left side, I'd go with the WCPP. Particles, even in a pearl, even in a polished ball, do make a difference. However, I'd drill it weaker than the WC to reduce the overlap.

Under more normal circumstances, I'd stick with my original premise: WC and WCR are complements.

Re: the drilling. if the pin is outside the ring and not too high, it's not likely that it's a 5x5. 4" - 4.5" x 4" - 4.5" seems more likely. That weight hole usually adds to the flare of the ball.

Lanemasters often low differential and strong coverstocks can make for some very strong backends. One friend is transitioning away from them just because they hook so much for him. (I hadn't had a chance to work with him on his drillings.)

Good luck.
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Re: World class particle or World class reactive
« Reply #5 on: August 29, 2008, 10:09:06 AM »
the WCP takes surfaces changes alot better. during the summer we saw alot of transitions where we ran into spotty carrydown. i sanded both my WCR and WCPP down to around 600 (remember they are drill weaker and for control) just to try something new. they just couldnt handle it because of the drilling on them. but the WCP (which is kinda drill label but alittle futher away from the fingers ) is a totally differnt story it can handle carrydown with easy even highy shined. it flips over where the other just arc the lane. it ways all in the drilling. surface prep didnt get the job done this time.
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Re: World class particle or World class reactive
« Reply #6 on: August 29, 2008, 11:55:08 AM »
I just looked at the title of my post again "OOPS" I was trying to compare the WCPP to the WCR. You guys helped me anyway. I can stick with stronger pieces for a longer time on the left side. I am sort of parcel to particle balls, thats why I was surpirsed when I was able to use the WC on a dryer shot. I think I will get the WCPP and drill it weaker. This time charlest it will be 5 by 5. Thank you zone and charlest.