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Author Topic: Exodus G2  (Read 10053 times)


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Exodus G2
« on: October 02, 2015, 11:52:04 AM »
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The New Exodus G2 Features a beefed up weight block previously used in the Razon (JAN-2011) and was known as the "Umbrella".  The New G1 core is so strong that this is the highest "Differential" ball ever released by Lord Field. We had to have 32 balls tested to prove we could produce this ball with consistency and not exceed the .060 limits of USBC and to get USBC's approval. 

The G1 core is powerful and the numbers show it. With a medium RG this should prove to be a good match up with any condition where you need recovery on THS. It is sanded at 1000 Abralon then Factory Finished Polish and can be taken down for even better results in heavy oil conditions.

RG: 2.544
Differential: .056
Mass Bias Diff: N/A
Finish: 1000 Abralon Polished
Cover Stock: Activator Smart Technology
Color(s): Royal Purple / Yellow