Specs: 15.04lbs, 2.96 pin, 2.6 top
Pin to PAP: 5-1/4
MB to PAP: 4
Weight Hole: From center of span through the CG and on VAL, 13/16 bit drilled 2-3/4 deep
Lane Pattern: Kegel Autobahn
Length: 42ft
Volume: 25.85ML
Lane Surface: AMF Synthetics

The Korrupt is another great addition to the LF line up. It is a great fit covering the medium heavy to heavy lane condition. I got to test the Korrupt on such a pattern right after I finished getting off the drill press. The Kegel Autobahn forces you to play tight inside with a break point at 10. The first few shots i threw with the Korrupt, I immediately saw the characteristics of the ball. The ball reved up early and had a nice smooth continuous arc on the backend. This is definitely the ball for this type of a pattern. I was able to play around 10 to 8 in the beginning and as the heads started to breakdown I was able to move in as deep as 15 with a break point at 10. The Korrupt is very predictable due to the controlled backend. The only weakness I see with this ball is if you do not sufficient oil on the heads.
Thanks Tony for another great creation.