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Author Topic: Equipment Pricing  (Read 11455 times)


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Equipment Pricing
« on: December 31, 2013, 11:20:17 AM »
So I've heard just about every excuse as to why people shy away from Lord Field products.  I then get some of the same people inbox me on my take on the equipment and why are our products so high.  Me doing all the research and what not, i find our equipment to be fairly priced to the general public, fairly priced to the pro shops compared to any other brand, and definitely fairly priced to staffers  seeing our equipment is imported compared to some staffers i know on other companies staffs.  So my question to the board is what seems to be the issue with our equipment? We put up the same scores, our equipment outlasts some if not most on the market, its fairly priced considering where it comes from, and you can purchase it either directly or from buddies at pretty much a comparable price as you could the competitors.  But seems bowlers give there opinion, assessment and everything in between and they have never even thrown one for themselves. Should we change our name? Whats the problem?
Terry Moore


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Re: Equipment Pricing
« Reply #16 on: December 31, 2013, 02:05:03 PM »
In response to the Brunswick question, no I do not stock Brunswick products. I will order for my customers if they want one of their products, but I do not display in my shop. I do not stock DV8 either, but order for customers. In todays age of releasing bowling balls as fast as they do, I have to stock what people want and not something that hope that sells. The pro shop that was prior to me when I was operating out of my house tried pushing Lane 1 when they were supposed to be the latest and greatest. I thought they were over priced and were no different than what I was using at the time. The center where my shop is located is now still sitting on a crap load of Lane 1 balls.

My two biggest sellers are 1- Storm, 2 - Motiv.

As for trying one, I will try anything for the right price.
J. Helton
Perfect Approach Pro Shop

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Re: Equipment Pricing
« Reply #17 on: December 31, 2013, 02:08:12 PM »
I'm loyal to the brands that are loyal to my shop (or give me value packages) for example Columbia sends me a seed ball every year (for nothing) Joe Farley drops by at least once a year and drops a Hammer ball (for nothing) Storm offers their VIP package for $695 (includes 8 balls, 2 shirts, polishes, cleaners, etc) the value of that package is at least $1200, Brunswick has seminars where you get 2 new releases (early) for about $200 ($360+ value) Brunswick also has their rewards programs that gives me balls and rebates based on my sales....I could go on and on....

I'm also not bashing Lord Field, Tony is a great guy and a lot of people seem to be enjoying their products, but in my shop I go with what sells and what people are asking for.  If someone wants a Lord Field ball i'll for sure get it for them, but to be honest I have not had 1 person order or even inquire about them.


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Re: Equipment Pricing
« Reply #18 on: December 31, 2013, 02:14:13 PM »
i hear what both of you guys are saying. The purpose of this post was for me to get a better understanding from the pro shop side of things as well as the consumer. I appreciate your input. I will make sure tony sees this post as tis in my opinion is positive feedback and maybe some things can be restructured for our brand to compete in the business of selling.
Terry Moore


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Re: Equipment Pricing
« Reply #19 on: December 31, 2013, 02:16:05 PM »
And for future reference, YES we do offer Packages as you have listed from the big ball brands. from the prices you have listed i see ours being competitive with those.
Terry Moore

Perfect Approach Pro Shop

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Re: Equipment Pricing
« Reply #20 on: December 31, 2013, 02:25:41 PM »
I'm loyal to the brands that are loyal to my shop (or give me value packages) for example Columbia sends me a seed ball every year (for nothing) Joe Farley drops by at least once a year and drops a Hammer ball (for nothing) Storm offers their VIP package for $695 (includes 8 balls, 2 shirts, polishes, cleaners, etc) the value of that package is at least $1200, Brunswick has seminars where you get 2 new releases (early) for about $200 ($360+ value) Brunswick also has their rewards programs that gives me balls and rebates based on my sales....I could go on and on....

I'm also not bashing Lord Field, Tony is a great guy and a lot of people seem to be enjoying their products, but in my shop I go with what sells and what people are asking for.  If someone wants a Lord Field ball i'll for sure get it for them, but to be honest I have not had 1 person order or even inquire about them.

I agree with storm. I used to be a Brunswick member but dropped it last year as I do not sell enough Brunswick products to qualify for a rebate. As for the Storm VIP, I am a member and think it is one of the best bang for my buck I can get. I am also a Ebonite Pro Shop gold member and feel it is a great program also. With the Ebonite program, I like the fact I can order my rebate products directly from Ebonite.
J. Helton
Perfect Approach Pro Shop


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Re: Equipment Pricing
« Reply #21 on: December 31, 2013, 02:39:13 PM »
In the shop I work in, there are 4 different locations. The one I work in is a Storm VIP shop and the shop manager is on Storm Staff. We sell a lot of storm/roto balls and it's hard to push even big companies like Brunswick and DV8. I've seen a lot of good balls from other brands sit on the wall for months and yet we can't keep Marvel-S's and Hy-Road pearls on the wall.

The biggest issue with the smaller companies is that Storm/Roto and now even Brunswick/DV8/Radical have hit the market where it is most profitable to shops and that is in the mid level to entry level performance. At just under or right at $100 undrilled, they can cover a wide variety of conditions. Not to say that LF/LM isn't good at the mid/entry but at the 120's online it becomes comparing unknown to proven technology. Consumers ask themselves "Why pay right at or more for a ball I know nothing about, when I can pay for what has already been successful?"

Tony has been very helpful as far as information on Lord Field as well as Crazy Smooth, whom I've practiced with and seen Lord Field close up. I have liked what I have seen and realize that LF/LM is not a cult of staffers(just a joke). I have given him all the intel on what it would take to get Lord Field on the wall in the shops. I can tell you that the Owner of Orbdrillers is very understanding and willing to try any brand on the wall, but there has to be some interest. He's not going to make guarantee's that LF/LM will have a consistent spot on the walls unless they sell. I will be ordering my first LF/LM's this week and will give it a try with similar rolling balls and layouts. Atleast at that point, I can have an idea and advertise.
James C. Jones
Orbdrillers Pro Shop Holiday Bowl
Chester, Va.

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Re: Equipment Pricing
« Reply #22 on: December 31, 2013, 02:49:43 PM »
thanks for your feedback, and yes josh reached to me early this year after seeing one of my videos so i take pride in knowing someone who saw me throwing the product is now helping to get others interested which in this case is you. If any advice is needed feel free to reach out to me as well.
Terry Moore


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Re: Equipment Pricing
« Reply #23 on: December 31, 2013, 02:59:03 PM »
Thanks Terry. I appreciate the love and always down to throw anything if it strikes. I threw Roto years back when it wasn't popular, Motiv, so on and so forth. Hell I threw Storm when Brunswick dominated the Market the same way Storm does now.
James C. Jones
Orbdrillers Pro Shop Holiday Bowl
Chester, Va.

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Re: Equipment Pricing
« Reply #24 on: December 31, 2013, 03:00:10 PM »
As you said, they're round, they strike, they leave weird stuff just like everybody else.
James C. Jones
Orbdrillers Pro Shop Holiday Bowl
Chester, Va.

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Re: Equipment Pricing
« Reply #25 on: December 31, 2013, 03:06:39 PM »
Simple math. 

On Buddies, there is "one" Lord Field performance ball under $130.
Brunswick has 8
Columbia has 9
DV8 has 9
Ebonite has 5
Hammer has 11
Storm has 13
Rotogrip has 9

And that does NOT include color variations of the same ball.  In my opinion, Lord Field is overpriced and they don't offer products at the lower price points.

If a bowler is looking at something under $130, he/she has 64 choices with the major brands listed above or............ your ONE ball.


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Re: Equipment Pricing
« Reply #26 on: December 31, 2013, 03:08:23 PM »
As you said, they're round, they strike, they leave weird stuff just like everybody else.

HAHA! yes i did say that. And yes when i 1st started back bowling in 2008 motiv had 3 balls out. the TR2 GT1 and TX1 and i loved all of them, as i love Lord Field equipment now. Gotta start from somewhere. Now look what has blossomed into
Terry Moore


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Re: Equipment Pricing
« Reply #27 on: December 31, 2013, 03:13:55 PM »
As you said, they're round, they strike, they leave weird stuff just like everybody else.

HAHA! yes i did say that. And yes when i 1st started back bowling in 2008 motiv had 3 balls out. the TR2 GT1 and TX1 and i loved all of them, as i love Lord Field equipment now. Gotta start from somewhere. Now look what has blossomed into

It all takes time. Companies have to build. And Dogtown furthers my point. I don't get to throw High End stuff too often, My Reax Solid has like 30 Games in one full year of drilling it. The ball is awesome but once the oil goes away, that's it.
James C. Jones
Orbdrillers Pro Shop Holiday Bowl
Chester, Va.

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Re: Equipment Pricing
« Reply #28 on: December 31, 2013, 03:19:41 PM »
Simple math. 

On Buddies, there is "one" Lord Field performance ball under $130.
Brunswick has 8
Columbia has 9
DV8 has 9
Ebonite has 5
Hammer has 11
Storm has 13
Rotogrip has 9

And that does NOT include color variations of the same ball.  In my opinion, Lord Field is overpriced and they don't offer products at the lower price points.

If a bowler is looking at something under $130, he/she has 64 choices with the major brands listed above or............ your ONE ball.

Simple math and common sense also states that you have 2 outlets to purchase also. Yes the bigger brands offer more because they have MORE. Some of those said balls on buddies are also listed on our site to the general public on SALE but in a previous thread some people were complaining to simply register on the site to see discounted prices. i could list 6 the balls buddies have on their site with prices you could possibly see just by simply going to our website and and registering.

Terry Moore


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Re: Equipment Pricing
« Reply #29 on: December 31, 2013, 03:23:41 PM »
i could see that side of it as well, but just as other companies our product take to surface alterations very well. 6 of the balls listed on buddies you could get significantly cheaper on our site but seems plenty of people have a problem going there to begin with then registering on the site. i guarantee if any of the big brands offered to see pricing on there site by registering you would. By registering thats not obligating you to anything. We have to start somewhere i agree, and yes balls at the lower price point are in production
« Last Edit: December 31, 2013, 03:25:37 PM by tmoore300 »
Terry Moore

crazy smooth

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Re: Equipment Pricing
« Reply #30 on: December 31, 2013, 05:42:51 PM »
Hello James whats going on man. Hope you had fun bowling with me. I know that I enjoyed our conversation, did you decide what you wanted to get? Hey are you open on Saturday?
« Last Edit: December 31, 2013, 05:54:13 PM by crazy smooth »
Josh Lapham