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Author Topic: Initial Thoughts on the Judgement  (Read 2165 times)


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Initial Thoughts on the Judgement
« on: January 29, 2013, 08:10:06 AM »
Got to toss my Judegement for the first time last night. Put the pin over the bridge and the CG just outside the ring finger. Ended up with 694 out of the box and would have been much higher without two timely operator error induced splits. The ball is very responsive to release changes and I was surprised by the easy length. Carry seemed to improve as I moved deeper and pitched it to the dry and the ball provided exellent backend movement when coming around the ball more. It was 1-2 feet earlier than my 508a but much smoother off the spot and provided much better traction in the oil.

Spoke to a few people that seemed very impressed by the reaction and lot's of questions about the company as no one local here is throwing Lord Field (yet).

I'll update as I get some more games on the ball.
Mike Geller
Lord Field Amateur Staff
"Changing Bowling, One Bowler At A Time"



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Re: Initial Thoughts on the Judgement
« Reply #1 on: January 29, 2013, 10:05:07 AM »
I got mine drilled pretty similar to the way you described. I used it in a travel league at a house I never bowled at before, reacted alright, little over/under for my liking. Used it last night and took a 2000 pad to it and it was good for 1 game, then as the carry down started happening, my over.under reaction started to happen again. I'm going to take a light 1000 pad to it tonight before league and see how it reacts. Might end up doing 1000/polish or something similar in the future


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Re: Initial Thoughts on the Judgement
« Reply #2 on: January 29, 2013, 03:15:31 PM »
I like the box finish for getting through the heads and for my tilt and rev rate to get it through the heads I need some shine. It did scoot a little more than I desired at box so I scratched my surface very lightly with a 4000 abralon pad and it was exactly what I was looking for, some skid through the heads with a very strong backend. Not skid flip but very strong arc.