I received my Korrupt last week and have thrown 3 times on 3 different conditions. All were THSs with a different amonts of wear. I practiced on two worn conditions and threw it in league on a fresh, newly laid shot. On the fresh shot it was money for about a game and a half. I am a power-tweener and step down in equipment and try and hold line. During the practice sessions, I did move with the piece for the whole game. I like to find range in practice and hold line during league play. A couple things I have pulled from the first week.
First, the ball is strong overall. Not just at the spot. It continues well even on the worn patterns.
Second, it does not over hook unless you make it. Sure I didn't throw a strike every time it went down the lane, but it didn't surprise me with a jump or roll out on a well thrown shot.
Last, just like any ball with surface, you have to take care of it. It picks up a sheen quick. I clean every time it comes out, but I could see it affecting performance if not taken care of.
Overall it is a strong heavy pattern ball. It rivals the Taboo Solid and Nexus Solid pf that were in my bag. I look to have a video up on YouTube in the next couple of weeks. I know that there are already a few up. Looking forward to getting this ball on some sport conditions to see how it does.