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Author Topic: Lord Field Lineup  (Read 6112 times)


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Lord Field Lineup
« on: November 04, 2013, 01:07:09 PM »
I am not very familiar with Lord Field equipment, and I seem to be having a hard time figuring out what progression their equipment follows. Any help would be appreciated.



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Re: Lord Field Lineup
« Reply #1 on: November 04, 2013, 01:16:23 PM »
most of the equipment seems to be in the medium to heavy department, except for the Off the Chain(med-light) and Burning Up(dry). I'm sure elky57 and some others who are throwing Lord Field will respond, as everyone has been great at responding and answering questions


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Re: Lord Field Lineup
« Reply #2 on: November 04, 2013, 01:55:12 PM »
most of the equipment seems to be in the medium to heavy department, except for the Off the Chain(med-light) and Burning Up(dry). I'm sure elky57 and some others who are throwing Lord Field will respond, as everyone has been great at responding and answering questions

As for lighter oil balls, the Exodus Pearl and the Torment are still available. I use the EP regularly; even shot 701 last Tuesday with it. Great ball for light to medium-light oil.
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Re: Lord Field Lineup
« Reply #3 on: November 04, 2013, 11:21:29 PM »
I am not very familiar with Lord Field equipment, and I seem to be having a hard time figuring out what progression their equipment follows. Any help would be appreciated.

Im glad to help...which balls were you interested in? I will gladly explain on how they compare to each other as I have rolled them all!
Tim DeSpain

Lord Field Amateur Staff

"Changing Bowling, One Bowler At A Time"


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Re: Lord Field Lineup
« Reply #4 on: November 05, 2013, 08:36:43 AM »
I am not very familiar with Lord Field equipment, and I seem to be having a hard time figuring out what progression their equipment follows. Any help would be appreciated.

For me, the Big Hurt is a stronger med-heavy ball that doesn't have a huge pop on the backend, but gets into a good roll and is smooth and continuous. The Bad News is a great compliment to that ball, where it rolls different but usually crosses about the same amount of boards. The Bad News goes longer for me and has a little more pop on the backend. The BN does need a touch of friction though to get into a roll for me, where the Big Hurt has chewed thru a little more volume for me, and is smoother off the friction.

The Judgement is a great ball for me to go to when those don't match up (and usually better on wood for some reason). Its also a med-heavy ball for me, but hooks a little less than the other 2 in general. I also think the Judgement is a little more versatile, so if you're starting small, it might be a great choice to cover a lot of bases. After the oil starts disappearing for those 3, I go to my Off The Chain. The OTC can hook a little in oil and still rolls pretty good, but it rolls best for me when they lanes break down some. Its not a "dry-lane" ball though, it just gets thru the heads clean, but still has enough meat to it to chew thru a little carry down and get into a good roll.

Im a higher speed / high rev rate guy though... so individual results may vary. Unless you're going to get them all, I would just base the decision on "what conditions do I see the most". If you see a lot of oil and have trouble hooking the ball, I think most folks would recommend the Big Hurt or Bad News. OR, if you want the older stuff... maybe the Higgs Force or Exodus Iron? If you're usually on dry and have trouble with the ball hooking too much, you may want to check out the Off The Chain, or for the older stuff, the Torment, Exodus Pearl, or Heritage (OTC cover with asymmetric weight-block).

Hope this helps. Best of luck.
Michael York
Lord Field / Lane Masters
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"Changing Bowling, One Bowler At A Time"

Pat Patterson

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Re: Lord Field Lineup
« Reply #5 on: November 05, 2013, 09:13:06 AM »
There are really no "weak" pieces in the Lord Field line with the "Burning Up" being the only exception due to it being urethane.  But do no be fooled by it being urethane, it utilizes the same Terminal Velocity weigh block that is in the "Torment" which most people have aptly named their "Benchmark Ball".  Most of the stuff is medium to medium/heavy with the Higgs Force and Big Hurt being their so-called "Oilers". Remember these rankings are based on my style and what lane surface(s) I bowl on.
If I were to rank them I would as follows from "Mildest" to Strongest":

Burning Up
Exodus Pearl
Pin Hacker (THS killer)
Torment (must have ball)
Heritage (Asymmetrical)
Exodus Solid (excellent all-around ball)
Nasty (super smooth)
Off The Chain (acts like an Asymmetrical)
Bad News
Judgement (excellent piece, I have 2 drilled and 2 NIB for a rainy day)
Korrupt (Asymmetrical)
Big Hurt
Higgs Force (Modern day Lane Masters Terminator)

As far as the new Lane Masters stuff, again there are no "weak" pieces.  The mildest with be for medium lane conditions and that would be the Red Diamond.  In order I would rank these from "Mildest" to "Strongest" as follows:

Red Diamond
Perfect (acts like an Asymmetrical, reminds of the Black Pearl Reactive)
Advantage (Asymmetrical)
Black Pearl Deep Sea
Big Bang SE
Pat Patterson


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Re: Lord Field Lineup
« Reply #6 on: November 05, 2013, 09:43:48 AM »
Thank you all. That is extremely helpful.


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Re: Lord Field Lineup
« Reply #7 on: November 05, 2013, 10:05:41 AM »
Pat is pretty spot on. IMO the exodus pearl...heritage...korrupt...bad news...big hurt...perfect... advantage and torment are balls that really stand out when I use them. Very versatile and have shot well with each of them.
Tim DeSpain

Lord Field Amateur Staff

"Changing Bowling, One Bowler At A Time"


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Re: Lord Field Lineup
« Reply #8 on: November 05, 2013, 11:09:45 AM »
I did notice the Higgs Force did look to be pretty similar to the Terminator, but here is not much talk about it on here. Bowlers journal did not seem impressed at all with this piece and actually showed it to be a pretty weak ball in the reviews of it. I know reading that article about it made me look away. It looked promising before reading that.

For the record, I dont look at one review and just ony use that resource, but bowlers journal seems to be pretty honest about there stuff, and for this ball they basically said carry was not very good, and was way to smooth of a ball for anyone but the extreme cranker bowler.

I am using a fellow bowlers Judgement drilled pin over ring, and Although I only have 3-4 games on it on a medium oiled fresh backend shot, it looked very very good. It def has my attention. Coming from a bowler whose equipment basically is all LM/L with the exception of 2-3 pieces.


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Re: Lord Field Lineup
« Reply #9 on: November 07, 2013, 07:34:50 AM »
I'd have to disagree with Pat on the Bad News. For me, the BN is a step down from the OTC and Judgement. I find the OTC and Judgement to cover roughly the same volume of oil just with a drastically different look. For me the OTC is longer and much more angular whereas the Judgement is a good 3 feet earlier and much smoother. I tend to 'ball down' to the OTC simply because it allows me to get inside of where the Judgement plays and turn the corner enough to carry the corner. Stepping up from the Judgement, I would agree the Big Hurt and then Korrupt would finish out the top of the line up as far as balls that I have thrown.

Keep in mind that most of this equipment is very layout dependent. There seems to be the biggest disparity concerning the Bad News as some are finding it to cover a lot of boards and others, myself included, find it to be a great control piece. Be sure to put some time into deciding on a layout and I think you'll be greatly surprised at just how good the Lord Field equipment is.
Mike Geller
Lord Field Amateur Staff
"Changing Bowling, One Bowler At A Time"


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Re: Lord Field Lineup
« Reply #10 on: November 18, 2013, 03:03:12 PM »
Here my .02:

My Arsenal in order of heavy to medium light:

Off the Chain
Judgement (2)
Big Hurt
Bad News
Torment (2)

Korrupt and OTC are drilled pin under
Judgement 1 at 800 grit dull
Judgement 2 oob polished
Big Hurt oob
Bad News oob lightly scuff burgundy scotchbrite
Torment 1 @1000 abralon polished
Torment 2 @1000 abralon drilled rico

My use all depends on what ball gives me the best look to the pocket with optimum carry, with miss right or tug.
All list will vary due to styles and drills.
Keith Cordy
900 Global Staff Ambassador