
Equipment Boards => Lord Field => Topic started by: tmoore300 on July 28, 2013, 01:08:41 PM

Title: Lord Field Off The Chain
Post by: tmoore300 on July 28, 2013, 01:08:41 PM
Heres the off the chain
Title: Re: Lord Field Off The Chain
Post by: elky57 on July 29, 2013, 12:23:25 PM
nice vid!
Title: Re: Lord Field Off The Chain
Post by: 9orbetter on July 29, 2013, 08:25:58 PM
Bowled on THS? Would like to see ball played up the gutter. I drilled mine pin down expecting better movement on tighter conditions. Not happy with the oob reaction. Gonna adjust the cover up to 4000, then try more grit if that doesn't work. Last notr, you make great videos. LF Fam.....
Title: Re: Lord Field Off The Chain
Post by: tmoore300 on July 29, 2013, 09:18:35 PM
Much appreciated, and yes Kegel Main Street is a Kegel approved house shot, that's what we use at my center. I hit mine with a fresh 2000 pad by hand and it brought it to life.
Title: Re: Lord Field Off The Chain
Post by: dw23 on July 30, 2013, 02:22:57 AM
I keep mine highly polished. I love to play deep inside when the lanes start breaking down. Haven't tried mine dull but it polished it is a touch longer than the Judgement and stronger at the break point.

Nice video Terry.
Title: Re: Lord Field Off The Chain
Post by: tmoore300 on July 30, 2013, 04:50:37 AM
5.5 inches from pap allows me to get deeper and still playable even with mine at 2000 no polish
Title: Re: Lord Field Off The Chain
Post by: 9orbetter on August 03, 2013, 09:05:01 AM
Having matchup issues with mine. 500 abralon with ruff buff right now. Will see it's reaction next time I practice.
Title: Re: Lord Field Off The Chain
Post by: tmoore300 on August 03, 2013, 02:33:24 PM
try it at 2000 with a fresh pad lightly by hand
Title: Re: Lord Field Off The Chain
Post by: charlest on August 03, 2013, 07:18:45 PM
5.5 inches from pap allows me to get deeper and still playable even with mine at 2000 no polish


That's a pretty long pin-PAP.

The LF web site says the stock surface is 1000+ polish, AND you changed it to 2000 dull.
What would you say was its oil handling ability/range with the stock surface and what did it become with the 2000 grit dull surface?

Title: Re: Lord Field Off The Chain
Post by: 9orbetter on August 03, 2013, 07:57:11 PM
Ok, still don't like the reaction @500 ruff buff. Being drilled pin under, ball still gets good length, just a little to much for my liking. Ball now @4000 polished, if thats not working, I will then try 2000.
Title: Re: Lord Field Off The Chain
Post by: dw23 on August 03, 2013, 08:29:10 PM
Mine is still 1000 polished but pin above the ring and it is clean and strong at the break point. Great complement to my Judgment.
Title: Re: Lord Field Off The Chain
Post by: tmoore300 on August 04, 2013, 01:45:57 PM
4k polished is just gonna give it more length
Title: Re: Lord Field Off The Chain
Post by: tmoore300 on August 04, 2013, 06:13:30 PM


That's a pretty long pin-PAP.

The LF web site says the stock surface is 1000+ polish, AND you changed it to 2000 dull.
What would you say was its oil handling ability/range with the stock surface and what did it become with the 2000 grit dull surface?


Sorry for the late reply dude, but I have found for myself long pin to pap ratios works best for me with the equipment, for me it just didnt pick up as I needed/desired, and I hate using polish on THS. The 2000 finish allows me to read the ball from the front to back of the pin deck.  With the box finish and the long pin, it was very unpredictable and after the change it was night and day, very predictable read all the way thru the deck.
Title: Re: Lord Field Off The Chain
Post by: charlest on August 04, 2013, 07:10:11 PM
Great! Thanks, Terry.

FWIW, I've been using longer pin-PAPs (5.5 - 6") lately myself. Also finding duller balls more useful with those lower flare drillings.
Title: Re: Lord Field Off The Chain
Post by: tmoore300 on August 05, 2013, 07:38:46 AM
I have been using dull balls exclusively lately.
Title: Re: Lord Field Off The Chain
Post by: charlest on August 05, 2013, 05:21:50 PM
While looking at the specs for the core and the cover of the OTC, I noticed it was extremely close to the Nasty: same light load Proton Particle pearl coverstock and the numbers for the core, OTC: 2.49/.048 vs. Nasty: 2.48/.048 are VERY close, with even the general shape of the core being very similar. The only difference seems to be the surface finish, 1000 grit polished (OTC) vs. 2000 grit dull (Nasty).

So, does anyone, who has an OTC, also have a Nasty?
Are they similar in reaction with the same surface?
(Maybe this should be a different thread?)
Title: Re: Lord Field Off The Chain
Post by: proform on August 05, 2013, 05:57:49 PM
the cover on the OTC is the cover from the Heritage and not the Nasty. the Nasty is a Proton Particle solid and not a Pearl. The Nasty is a few feet sooner and not angular were as the OTC is cleaner upfront and way more angular down lane. Very similar to the Heritage but the OTC is more angular than the Heritage as well.
Title: Re: Lord Field Off The Chain
Post by: charlest on August 05, 2013, 09:30:06 PM
the cover on the OTC is the cover from the Heritage and not the Nasty. the Nasty is a Proton Particle solid and not a Pearl. The Nasty is a few feet sooner and not angular were as the OTC is cleaner upfront and way more angular down lane. Very similar to the Heritage but the OTC is more angular than the Heritage as well.

I only saw "Proton Particle" on their webs sites. So I looked at the BJI review of the Nasty and it said it was pearl. I hadn't drilled my Nasty yet; so I polished it in a small spot.From what I see I can readily believe you're correct. Thank you for the correction.

May I ask you how you learned this?
Title: Re: Lord Field Off The Chain
Post by: proform on August 05, 2013, 10:14:41 PM
From a couple Test Drives I have Hosted as well as drilling multiples of each Lord Field Release for myself an Customers. I believe last year When I spoke with Tony Martin during the release of the Nasty and the Ace Mitchell Seminar(August 2012) that Tony had said the Nasty was a Particle Solid(Proton Particle) and the Heritage was a Particle Pearl(Proton Particle). With the OTC Released as the same cover as the Heritage, Proton Particle Pearl but with the weight block from the Jacked. The Nasty is very early and smooth at the break point due to the earlier rollong weight block and solid particle cover stock. My favorites in order have been OTC, Big Hurt, Judgement, Pin Hacker, Heritage, Jacked, Torment, Korrupt, Higgs Force, Exodus Pearl, Exodus Solid, Nasty, Exodus Iron
Title: Re: Lord Field Off The Chain
Post by: charlest on August 06, 2013, 09:00:45 PM
Thank you.