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Author Topic: Lord Field pin hacker review  (Read 14239 times)

Austin Cooper

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Lord Field pin hacker review
« on: December 26, 2012, 04:13:23 PM »
I'm a Texas lord field pro shop staff member and I'm reviewing the Pin Hacker.  I drilled my pin hacker with a 5x5 layout. I throw 17 mph and have a rev rate of 425 on average. I found the pin hacker was a great ball to go to once the lanes dried and there was friction outside, this created plenty of miss room outside and inside and gave me 3 extra boards of room.  This ball is very smooth through the oil and reacts well in the dry.  Whether you want to play inside the middle of lanes where the oil is or swing the lane to the dry outsides this ball works great.  The only problem I found was the ball has a hard time reacting in high volumes of oil with my ball speed.  Feel free to message me with any questions or come by Champions Choice Pro Shop in Greenville, Texas at DB's bowling center.