Haha nah Bradley, nothing to see here. jellington, I should be more clear, it's really just the appearance of the balls and the names, otherwise I like what I'm seeing. I don't like big huge marketing campaigns and advertising beating you over the head. I like seeing results, not fanfare. It's really less of a criticism and more of an honest observation playing a bit of devil's advocate. The majority of league bowlers care more about how the ball looks and how cool the name sounds than how it reacts. Sad, frustrating, but also true. At this point, most of the Lord Field balls look a little underwhelming next to a Storm or Motiv ball. I like how they react, it's just trying to convince other people to give them a shot. Being brutally honest, it's harder with balls that don't have a lot of shelf appeal. Balls that look and sound cool fly off the wall, balls that don't, stay there for a while regardless of the company. My comment was basically that as soon as the shelf appeal inevitably catches up, they'll be in a lot better shape.