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Author Topic: Now accepting Amateur II Staff applications  (Read 12374 times)


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Now accepting Amateur II Staff applications
« on: September 05, 2013, 02:16:36 PM »
We are now accepting applications for A2 Staffers.

I am looking for real league bowlers who bowl for the love of the game who want to join a great Family of bowlers who care about the game of bowling. Your feedback is invaluable to us as we build a strong bowling company making better and better equipment.

Benefits include great pricing on product and your joining a nationwide team that has support for you from all our other staff members.

Please if interested send an email to and we will get you all the info on A2 staffers. Thanks so much for following Lord Field.
"Changing Bowling One Bowler At A Time"



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Re: Now accepting Amateur II Staff applications
« Reply #16 on: September 06, 2013, 05:26:26 PM »
How would buying bowling balls at a cheaper rate not qualify us as staff members?  Just out of curiosity, what would it take to qualify someone as a "staffer" than?


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Re: Now accepting Amateur II Staff applications
« Reply #17 on: September 06, 2013, 05:54:00 PM »
Bowler 838

How about having bowling balls given to you?  How about a shirt or two given to you?  How about a bag or two?  How about them showing faith in you as a staff member and giving you some product.  But like I said I don't want to rain your parade. I am glad you feel good being able to get bowling balls at a reduced price. I think it's great. Especially if you bowl well with them. I truly hope you have your best year ever.  It doesn't affect me personally so why would I not want you to bowl well and save as much money as possible.  My only issue was just using the term "amateur staff "member". I could sign my emails doctor, or attorney at law,  CEO or anything else that already has an implied meaning, it would just be a little inaccurate.  That's all I am saying.

Using that argument am I sponsored by Alamo rental cars?  I'm a member there and get to rent cars at a reduced rate compared to non members. Therefore I can use that money I saved to buy bowling balls for a cheaper rate. I am also sponsored by Southwest Airlines, Costco, Holiday Inn, and a couple years ago I was a member at Sea World, so they also were one of my contributing sponsors.


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Re: Now accepting Amateur II Staff applications
« Reply #18 on: September 06, 2013, 06:00:37 PM »
OK here we are again with very uneducated responses to something I'm trying to do for bowlers. There is no where in the world that the average bowler can be part of a bowling company team like we have developed. Another thing to you airip please look before you speak. Debate is fine but when you bash for no reason you are not very good debater and can not be considered a valued source of information on any level. We give the average bowler a voice in the bowling community through this amateur staff program. If you don't like what we are doing I'm sure your brilliance can be better served on another topic away from this topic. I appreciate a good argument but you are just plain old criticizing and forming conclusions and uneducated conclusions at that. For the rest of you haters I work very hard so the average bowler can have a voice and opportunity in this industry by making reviews that I hold as valuable as gold when we develop new gear.  To you Airip have a nice weekend and please use your intellect for something far more important other than bashing my team members. My team is a "Family" and I will stand by them always. They are the greatest team in bowling and I am very proud of them. And all of you that have gas cards, best buy and cotco memberships please keep using the cards they save you money just like I'm trying to save people money here. FOCKER OUT!!!!!
"Changing Bowling One Bowler At A Time"


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Re: Now accepting Amateur II Staff applications
« Reply #19 on: September 06, 2013, 06:03:40 PM »
Just by being on a staff doesn't mean always free stuff.  Let's use the brand Brunswick for an example as they have amateur, regional and pro staff.  I'm familiar with that as I know guys on all 3 levels.  The amateur guys on their staff pay for their stuff at a discounted rate too.  They dont get comps they pay cheaper rates with hopes in moving up.  Same thing with Lord Field.  The A2 is the beginning level or entry level staffer.  The higher up you move in the contract level, the more lucrative the contract.  Same thing with Brunswick.  Their Regional guys get their stuff at a cheaper rate too, they just get a comp of each new release and to pro staffers we all know get their stuff free.  I understand exactly what you mean about being on staff and the word but in the bowling industry, the word staffer doesn't have to have the meaning of free with it.


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Re: Now accepting Amateur II Staff applications
« Reply #20 on: September 06, 2013, 06:12:27 PM »
i assure u its a TRUE staff contract . so think what u want , my point is
dont u have anything better to do then to point on what u feel is wrong with lord field or any other company for that matter ? and i ll tell you this much
Tony treats the lord field family wonderful. And Comps DO happen from time to time. but i can tell you this if it wasnt for being staff id not have the arsenal i do at the price i do. i just couldnt do it.
« Last Edit: September 06, 2013, 06:17:19 PM by bowlingnut07 »
Lord Field Staff


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Re: Now accepting Amateur II Staff applications
« Reply #21 on: September 06, 2013, 06:37:38 PM »
Bottom line is that this is a great opportunity for a bowler to get involved with a company and grow which many people have. LF takes care of its people and we want to continue to grow and prosper. I do realize that maybe this isn't for everybody...but those who signed on have not looked back. It is great gear and no matter what happens I will never give up my LM/LF gear! The stuff is that good. It would be nice to keep the negativity as side and let those who want to grow with a company not be suede by some of the comments that have transpired from this thread.

It is a great opportunity with terrific perks. There are different levels of contracts and what better way to get started then discounted gear! Also staffers get super discounted pricing on the older gear.
« Last Edit: September 06, 2013, 06:39:31 PM by elky57 »
Tim DeSpain

Lord Field Amateur Staff

"Changing Bowling, One Bowler At A Time"

John D Davis

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Re: Now accepting Amateur II Staff applications
« Reply #22 on: September 06, 2013, 07:10:56 PM »
  Tony I most definitely applause you for the strategy and direction lord field is going with this. There is always going to be negativity blasted upon each topic such as this. Just bite your tongue tony and ignore those people. Hell to be honest I'm a proshop owner and I've gotten blasted on numerous times for selling your product and for using it myself even? Why? I cant even think of a reason other than people are just down right ignorant...

Now sorry to get off topic so fast. I think it's a great idea and when the other company's finally realize you beat them to this I'm sure they'll wish they had made the first move. A company has to grow this way! Many many years ago I was an advisory staffer with Elite back when they first starting designing the PBA balls. A total of probably 25-30 Elite balls were sold including of course my 7-8. But If I hadn't have done that, I probably would have yet to see an Elite ball so forth.

Something to realize and to consider though, when you're targeting typical league bowlers, they will definitely benefit more with other things instead of mainly balls like most manufactories target. Try to think outside the box and come up with something no other company does. I know this would be very costly but team up with a company like high 5 and get them to design compression sleeves with the lord field logo on it. Comp every staffer a couple of those. They are great for marketing and people see something such as that and then ask what it is etc. Design a small line of shoes even. Doesn't have to be fancy but can target just the needs of those typical league bowlers... I can go on and on, hell now I'm fired up here lol.

There's one thing that does need to happen Tony, and that is for lord field and LM to have a rebate program for proshops. Just about every manufactory is doing that now with success and it gives the proshop and added bonus and desire for selling a certain product. This marketing is targeting for rewarding on the backend, which more companies should realize. The staffer program is definitely a great idea. And for some that knock it, Brunswick does do the same thing with different levels as mentioned above. Im sure there's others that are similar etc...


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Re: Now accepting Amateur II Staff applications
« Reply #23 on: September 06, 2013, 08:56:13 PM »
I may be one of the better people to respond to this post. I am a Lord Field Amateur Staff member. I have been for a little over 6 months. At the beginning, I was looking to make the move to represent any ball company. The shop that I bowl out of has a Brunswick Staff member and there are multiple regional staff that bowl in my area. I wasn't going to be on a major brand staff at any level just because of the bowlers around me. I spoke to a lot of people with a lot of knowledge in the industry and the Lord Field name came up a few times, as well as Jet and Seismic. I did my research looking at videos and talking to people that knew about the companies. When I chose Lord Field and received my contract from Tony I asked a hundred questions. You can ask him. I was wary of the system. So, I sat down and thought about it. I buy 2-3 high end balls each year at say around 200 a pop. I am going to spend the money anyway. The nice thing was is my pro shop had a couple of demos to throw. I liked them well enough and when I got my answers from Tony, I signed my contract the next day. I have purchased 8 balls from the company so far. 4 of them were new release and 4 were older pieces that were recommended by other staff members. I am one of the guys that put together those "videos". They each take 4-5 hours to complete. There are 100,000s videos of people throwing balls on YouTube. I understand this. I am in this to promote a brand. You can call us Staffers or sheep or whatever. What you are missing is the knowledge of 150 bowlers compared to 5 or 10. I don't know everything on the lanes, but I know if I have a question, I can throw it at the group. I am going to get some answers from respected bowlers. As for the videos, if one person watches one of them and asks their pro shop about the brand, I am doing what Tony wants us to do. I have been lucky enough to have a couple of my videos posted on the brands website. You can look up the Heritage and Big Hurt videos @  You can look forward to more of me and others as the brand grows. We aren't trying to be a big three brand and we can't do things that they do sometimes. We will do what we can and roll with who is going to roll with us. In the end, we are bowling just like you.
Matt Haidle
Lord Field Amateur Staff since 2/13
Ingalls, IN
"Changing Bowling, One Bowler At A Time"


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Re: Now accepting Amateur II Staff applications
« Reply #24 on: September 06, 2013, 09:16:38 PM »
well said matt i couldnt agree more with everything u had to say!
Lord Field Staff

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Re: Now accepting Amateur II Staff applications
« Reply #25 on: September 06, 2013, 09:43:35 PM »
Matt I think your post is spot on.your words make the rest of our staff look that much stronger as a team.


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Re: Now accepting Amateur II Staff applications
« Reply #26 on: September 06, 2013, 10:01:45 PM »
I'm gonna just stay away for now.
Terry Moore


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Re: Now accepting Amateur II Staff applications
« Reply #27 on: September 06, 2013, 10:06:06 PM »
well i say this about LORD FIELD, and yes i am a member of this company,, as far as the equipment goes,, i have been very satisfied with the product,,if i wasnt i would not throw it plain and simple they make good stuff bottom line in my book, i bowl many tourneys in the new england states area,, and i have to say i am confident about my equipment on every patern i have seen thus far,,and have made money as well,,,now as far as a "staffer" i have been a staffer in the past (amf, motiv) and yes there were perks ( euipment mostly) always loved the paddok lol, anyway i go to NEBAS, Marathons, huck finns, and i see big company staffers there everytime,,i know a few,,but they walk right past me and many other potenial ball buyers with there nose up in the air,,is that a good ambassador for there respected company??? i am the best in my area,,my scores and average have proved it for years,,and i am a talker, a people person and guess what i am a salesman as well, and i dont have to "sell" this brand,,its good enough on a ths with me throwing it anyways,,but because i talk to the normal joe shmo....i can sell it,,,and those are the people any company wants to target...there are more casual bowlers in most centers than "pros" and i will outsell anybody else in my area all day long...and in close anytime any of u big boy staffers ever up in my neck of the woods i will put my LF FAKE STAFFER bowling skills up against anybody......JUST SAYING.....


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Re: Now accepting Amateur II Staff applications
« Reply #28 on: September 06, 2013, 11:09:56 PM »
Great post Matt.
Deven Walls

Pro Shop Staff Member
Lord Field/Lane Masters and
"Changing Bowling, One Bowler At A Time"


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Re: Now accepting Amateur II Staff applications
« Reply #29 on: September 06, 2013, 11:44:40 PM »
I've been with Lord Field 9 months.  I couldn't begin to count the staffers from other companies that are my friends.  Was/is it possible to get with them and get crazy deals yes.  I looked at Lord Field quite differently than most.  I seen a company new in America with a very up front guy named Tony.  I searched boards, watched videos bowl expo 2012 for lord field, sent emails.  My thinking was Lord Field is new and no other company could I make a difference like I can with them. What impact could I make winning or even top 5 under the big 3 when others would be under the same staff as me. I had the chance to be near the beginning for a company.  Life rarely gives you chances to be at the start.  I wanted to be part of Lord Field.   I've told Tony what I would do and never have I been short.

I bet most of the staffers know me quite well.  They may not know my usernames on forums but me personally.  I spend tons of time talking with the lord field family cause it's fun to talk bowling and just general topics.  John made reference to shoes that made me laugh in a good way. Maybe Tony remembers.  I promise there is a ton of stuff going on that has been awesome to be part of.
I want to cover "videos" there are some heinous feelings towards bowling videos in general.  I will not please all that's the truth but if asked I will provide that extra something.  I'm trying to find that ah ha for videos that best uses my time and as quickly as possible satisfy what the viewers need.  No one wants to watch a 10min collage of 30 balls at 10 houses 45 different releases. It's extremely hard on people to place themselves in a position to be seen vulnerable and easily torn down.  Then, for that person to have the will to directly respond to the comments when so harsh.  I have no hate when someone tells me I couldn't count boards for my life in a video.  I go over the video and say I see what they are saying or explain what I'm seeing.


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Re: Now accepting Amateur II Staff applications
« Reply #30 on: September 06, 2013, 11:49:32 PM »
Great post Matt
Changing 6owling one 6owler at a time