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Author Topic: Now accepting Amateur II Staff applications  (Read 12387 times)


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Now accepting Amateur II Staff applications
« on: September 05, 2013, 02:16:36 PM »
We are now accepting applications for A2 Staffers.

I am looking for real league bowlers who bowl for the love of the game who want to join a great Family of bowlers who care about the game of bowling. Your feedback is invaluable to us as we build a strong bowling company making better and better equipment.

Benefits include great pricing on product and your joining a nationwide team that has support for you from all our other staff members.

Please if interested send an email to and we will get you all the info on A2 staffers. Thanks so much for following Lord Field.
"Changing Bowling One Bowler At A Time"



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Re: Now accepting Amateur II Staff applications
« Reply #1 on: September 05, 2013, 02:20:44 PM »
Its a great staff to be a part of. 


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Re: Now accepting Amateur II Staff applications
« Reply #2 on: September 05, 2013, 02:54:21 PM »
Here's your opportunity to be a part of a great team, help build a global brand and get your hands on quality equipment.


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Re: Now accepting Amateur II Staff applications
« Reply #3 on: September 05, 2013, 05:59:45 PM »
First of congratulations to Lord Field for starting a company and giving bowlers another option.

With all due respect though, how are you a "staff" member"?  You get the opportunity to purchase bowling balls from you at a reduced rate.  If you want to call that a "staff member" so be it, but that's not what a true staff member is. Using that logic I am a staff member of Kirkland, because I joined Costco and now I get to by all my products at a slightly reduced price.

The Lord Field guys are a marketing genius though, because this is getting people to buy their product who normally wouldn't at zero cost to them. For that I say Bravo.  I just wish you would choose to use a different term other then "staff member".  I believe it does an injustice to all of the true staff members out there.


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Re: Now accepting Amateur II Staff applications
« Reply #4 on: September 05, 2013, 06:35:29 PM »
I have been using Lord Field equipment exclusively for 5 months now and I am completely satisfied with this product. So much so that if my staff status is not renewed I will continue to use the equipment. My results in tournaments especially USBC Nationals has made me a believer. Can't wait to see what's next from Tony and LF.
Deven Walls

Pro Shop Staff Member
Lord Field/Lane Masters and
"Changing Bowling, One Bowler At A Time"


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Re: Now accepting Amateur II Staff applications
« Reply #5 on: September 05, 2013, 06:52:07 PM »
Well said airrip!
Personally, I'm on staff with Hilton and BestBuy. Look for my upcoming videos...
1. Testing the bed in room 916 of Milwaukee Hilton (adding some really cool music right now)....
2. Demonstrating proper use of my Best Buy rewards card when I buy a camera this weekend.

I always wanted to be on staff. Bucket list, done!
« Last Edit: September 05, 2013, 06:54:49 PM by lefty50 »


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Re: Now accepting Amateur II Staff applications
« Reply #6 on: September 05, 2013, 11:30:11 PM »
I myself am Part of the Lord Field family. This is a great opportunity for bowlers to be part of a great team of people who enjoy the game and want to grow the sport. LF makes top quality products and I am ever grateful that I signed on with them. If you are a bowler who wants to get there name out there this a great opportunity to get you started. There are a lot of great benefits by joining the family.

Tim DeSpain

Lord Field Amateur Staff

"Changing Bowling, One Bowler At A Time"


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Re: Now accepting Amateur II Staff applications
« Reply #7 on: September 06, 2013, 09:07:44 AM »
seriously the trolls here are amazing, they dont have anything better to do with their time then to come to a forum where all they want to do is talk crap. lord field makes a great product and its a great family to be a part of, no matter what staff position u have be it am1 am2 or proshop staff. if u dont have something positive to say then plz leave it unsaid and dont come into the LF forum and talk crap. U dont see our people going into the companies threads and talking crap so why do it here ?
Lord Field Staff


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Re: Now accepting Amateur II Staff applications
« Reply #8 on: September 06, 2013, 09:38:15 AM »
Thanks 07. Personally, I thought it was quite funny and and was simply adding my support to what rip said. Respectfully, this ain't no staff program except for those wanna'bes who can't find a title thru another method.
May I ask you a question? What's worse, people differing with your opinion or the number of people who put a self-righteous Lord Field staff title on their e-mail and slam different opinions?


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Re: Now accepting Amateur II Staff applications
« Reply #9 on: September 06, 2013, 09:58:39 AM »
yea i was interested until i read the terms of the contract.

Not one person in any league i bowl in throws LF.  I was interested in throwing their equipment so people would learn about it.  Not buying bowling 8 balls for just about cost, that aren't even PBA approved.
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Re: Now accepting Amateur II Staff applications
« Reply #10 on: September 06, 2013, 10:08:39 AM »
If I tried a ball from any company and I didn't like it or I thought it wasn't a high quality product I would go in there forum and let people know about it even if it was a LF product. I would give the company a chance to correct me first but then I would post something. If I never tried their product or didn't agree with a harmless marketing strategy I (like most adults) would not waste time posting in their forum.

On the other hand if you have an opportunity from this so called wannabe staff program to become a so called real amateur staffer than I think it's is more than worth it for most people.

Edited for the grammar police. Thanks!
« Last Edit: September 06, 2013, 10:41:05 AM by dw23 »
Deven Walls

Pro Shop Staff Member
Lord Field/Lane Masters and
"Changing Bowling, One Bowler At A Time"


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Re: Now accepting Amateur II Staff applications
« Reply #11 on: September 06, 2013, 10:13:35 AM »
I guess grammar isn't big on LF's requirements eh dw23?  :)
Those who can't bowl, bowl with two hands.


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Re: Now accepting Amateur II Staff applications
« Reply #12 on: September 06, 2013, 10:36:46 AM »
I guess grammar isn't big on LF's requirements eh dw23?  :)

Typing quickly on my phone I may miss a word but lucky for you being the grammar police doesn't disqualify you so go ahead and sign up.
Deven Walls

Pro Shop Staff Member
Lord Field/Lane Masters and
"Changing Bowling, One Bowler At A Time"


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Re: Now accepting Amateur II Staff applications
« Reply #13 on: September 06, 2013, 02:15:31 PM »
well its really apparent to me that most people think that getting FREE balls
is all being on staff is about and frankly ITS NOT. and theres more then 1 contract
that LF/lanemasters offers and some of them do include comps and other nice perks.
and lefty 50 my comments werent directed at you , more like airrip, although your comments werent all that great either. but if niether of you like our contracts for amature staff 2 then DONT APPLY and keep your negative comments to yourself thank you!
Lord Field Staff


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Re: Now accepting Amateur II Staff applications
« Reply #14 on: September 06, 2013, 05:01:55 PM »
Thanks for directing your comments towards me 07, and thanks for clarifying that they were, or I might have missed it. 

Look if you are happy being on the LF staff then great, more power to you.  If it makes you feel better signing everything Lord Field amateur staff, then I say great knock yourself out. Once again however, it's not a "true" staff position.  You can say it is until you are blue in the face, is still does not make it so.  My only point was, and apparently you missed it, was I wish it was called something else because in my opinion it is a bit disrespectful to the true amateur staffers out there.  Call it "equipment analysis" or "product specialist" or any other name that doesn't already have an implied meaning in the bowling industry.  Do you think  LF is using the  amateur staffer title by accident?  There is a reason they chose to call you "staff members".  And like I said in my original post it is brilliant marketing. Absolutely brilliant.  It doesn't cost them anything, it automatically sells product to you, and now it gets you on here defending a company you pay money too, while they don't have to do anything.

And just for the record,  I am not an amateur staffer for any company.  I am not good enough or have not done enough in the bowling industry.  I did buy a couple of balls one time on sale from, so using your logic I would be an amateur staff member from the right? 

Finally as for keeping the negative comments to myself, that's the beauty of a bowling forum.  It's to discuss, not always to agree with, bowling topics.  And once again if you reread my original post I didn't attack anyone personally I just disagreed with a subject and stated so.  Apparently in your world that is uncalled for.  Which does make me a bit concerned though, if you get so worked up on a bowling forum, how do you handle any negative comments about "your companies" products during leagues?  Hopefully there is no behavior clause in that LF contract.