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Author Topic: Opinion on our products?  (Read 7376 times)


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Opinion on our products?
« on: February 17, 2013, 02:51:10 PM »
Hi, i am a part of Lordfield's staff and id like to take this time to get an evaluation from bowlers everywhere on their opinion or rating of our products and anything we can do to make it better or something you would like to see:)
Lord Field Staff
"Changing bowling,One bowler at a time"



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Re: Opinion on our products?
« Reply #16 on: February 18, 2013, 08:55:58 AM »
The Lord Field bowling balls are great...especially the Exodus series.   The issue is marketing...very few bowlers know about the bowling balls or where to buy them. 
You will not see me on the PBA Tour, but I love the game!!!


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Re: Opinion on our products?
« Reply #17 on: February 18, 2013, 06:43:13 PM »

I laid out this ball using the dual angle method 50x5x65. I left the surface at OOB for the video.  What I was looking for was a late midlane read with a smooth arc off the breakpoint and that is exactly what I got. I have a basement full of bowling balls from nearly every manufacturer and can honestly say none of them give me the reaction I am seeing with this ball(that is not to say the rest are not good or serve no purpose). I am lucky to have four centers in my immediate area and though they are each slightly different the Judgement is still my first ball out of the bag in every one. The versatility I can achieve with different surfaces and hand changes lets me stay in my comfort zone longer than with previous equipment. I genuinely feel that most bowlers can greatly benefit with this ball in their bag. The video was hastily put together and because I don't have any other Lord Field equipment punched up I had nothing to compare it to. I will continue to improve the video quality and next time will show multiple launch angles. Thanks for reading and thank you in advance to those that respond.
Lordfield Amateur Staff

"Changing bowling, one bowler at a time"_________________________________________
« Last Edit: February 18, 2013, 06:45:12 PM by LeeWorley »

donkey kong

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Re: Opinion on our products?
« Reply #18 on: February 18, 2013, 08:59:49 PM »
I am on staff with lord field, and been throwing them since aug, and there wasn't anyone around here throwing the product, until now, now there are like 5-6 guys throwing the product and they all love it, as far as shops I beleave the only shop in the area that has any on the wall is the one that I help out in, I put something of mine on the wall to get recognized and after having a judgement for show, I have had 3 guys wanting to buy one and a few others wanting to throw mine to see how they are and they all have been impressed,needless to say the product is awesome and I can't wait till the next one comes out


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Re: Opinion on our products?
« Reply #19 on: February 19, 2013, 01:39:20 AM »
Keep it coming guys any input is good input! I will be personally relaying this info back to tony to asses your opinions
Lord Field Staff
"Changing bowling,One bowler at a time"


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Re: Opinion on our products?
« Reply #20 on: February 22, 2013, 03:13:04 PM »
In my area people know I throw Lord Field very well.  They ask and I show them a binder with the lord field catalog I always carry around.  First response is "Hmm, never heard of them"  next most heard is "let me see what your throwing, again" and "what's that company's name." There are those that won't buy unless the brand/ball is in the shop. Then, people that want to go online and know more about prices/videos/reviews. Finally people that are willing to buy through me but have always bought from a business. Lets be honest it's different for me as well. I have people in each of my leagues interested and all have said "if I buy another ball I want you to get it for me."

I follow the lord field facebook page daily and there are so many great bowlers posting.  I think as a group we are feeding off each others positives and we all want to do better. As for communications for me has been amazing with Tony via email.  I have asked tons and gotten excellent help each time.


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Re: Opinion on our products?
« Reply #21 on: February 22, 2013, 09:31:48 PM »
I have never rolled any Lord Field pieces. I have watched a ton of videos and like what i see.

Seems Lord Field doesn't exist here in the great pacific northwest. I asked the pro in the shop if he could order them and he said he could so one of them might be the next ball i buy.


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Re: Opinion on our products?
« Reply #22 on: February 22, 2013, 10:31:30 PM »
No one throws this stuff or carries it in pro shops around my area.  At least none that I am aware of.  i don't see any of it during leagues.

What he said.  I've seen a few in the bags of Stockton bowlers at the San Joaquin Junior Travel League, but I've yet to see one go down a lane.


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Re: Opinion on our products?
« Reply #23 on: February 23, 2013, 08:44:32 AM »
I've not seen any here in the Southern NJ area.  I think people would consider them if 1) they were familiar with the name 2) knew where to find and how to order. 

As an example, I started the season with a couple 900G balls.  During practices and the first few weeks of league, many folks asked what I was throwing, who's 900G, etc. etc.  I've seen 5 or 6 pop up now through various leagues/ local tournaments. Word of mouth, honest feedback, and actually being able to see how something rolls in your house on "typical" conditions goes a long ways with folks.
