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Author Topic: $45 for High Series, what?  (Read 2571 times)


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$45 for High Series, what?
« on: April 20, 2004, 01:03:02 PM »
My tuesday night mens league finished up last tuesday.  We went in tonight to pick up money and I only got $45 for league high series.  We pay $13 a night and I figured at least a hundred.  The high average gets $60, high games gets around $65.  I don't understand it.  If I shot my 821 on my mixed league with my wife, i would have received at least $100.  

I never saw a prize fund all year and never heard what we were paying for lineage.  I guess it is about $8 or so.  What a bummer, I was really expecting to get $300 back total from this league.  I only got back $210.

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Re: $45 for High Series, what?
« Reply #1 on: April 21, 2004, 07:12:04 AM »
Usually prize fund have High average higher then anything else in terms of money because a High Game or High Series has to do with being good for a 1 or 3 game block, while High average requires a minimum of 24 weeks of solid bowling, so its more about consistency over the long haul.

Sometimes The High Game Scratch will be made higher due to the fact, especially in a good men's league due to the fact you will have multiple 300s, leading to it being split up in several shares


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Re: $45 for High Series, what?
« Reply #2 on: April 21, 2004, 07:54:05 AM »
17 team 5person mens league.  
High game = $3---boy, sure glad I could shoot 300 for $3.
Course there were 10 of them in the league.  

Ahhh, the great wall.


Jason Jenkins
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Re: $45 for High Series, what?
« Reply #3 on: April 21, 2004, 08:23:24 AM »
Hey Andrew,

Not that our fellow bowlers are trying to cheat or anything, always try and get a payout sheet with breakdown(lineage, sec fee, sweeper money, etc..) for every league so ther are no surprises for anyone.  Keep them in a file till the end of a season and then start over per league.  This way you can double check all accounting figures as well as I've seen in the past that most people don't read and even the printed version of payouts didn't add up correctly.

The leagues I run, I even offer 3 different payouts to be voted heavy, avg, and conservative.  Then I get all the team captains to sign off on the majority vote for payoff ensuring no doubt at the end of a season.

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Re: $45 for High Series, what?
« Reply #4 on: April 21, 2004, 09:57:10 AM »
Last year in a 24 team Senior Mixed League and a 20 team Senior Mixed League, I had high series in both and received a "Pin" in both. No money. This year.......Well my average is down 11 pins, that's a story for another day.
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Edited on 4/21/2004 9:50 AM
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Re: $45 for High Series, what?
« Reply #5 on: April 21, 2004, 01:37:20 PM »
$10 for series in one league - $15 in the high money scratch league.
Nothing for another...

Sure am glad that I got my diamond ring for my 811 - the "award" of $10 and a patch just doesn't seem to be enough...
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Re: $45 for High Series, what?
« Reply #6 on: April 21, 2004, 01:44:40 PM »
Wow. That is sad. In one of my youth leagues, and we get (scholarship)$100 for high game, series, and average.
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Re: $45 for High Series, what?
« Reply #7 on: April 21, 2004, 02:02:39 PM »
13 bucks? is that the prize fund portion or total bowling.
how much goes in?

we pay 17. and 8 goes to the house. 1 or 2 to laegue officals and rest is prize money. we also have 32 teams.

1st in awards was 225 or 250 something like that.

you get what you pay for, if everyone is honest.
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Re: $45 for High Series, what?
« Reply #8 on: April 21, 2004, 02:13:06 PM »
It sure doesn't pay well.

We paid $9 a night.  

For High Average I got nothing.
For High Series Scratch, 814, i got $15
For 3rd High Seris Handicap, 823, i got $20

Only big money leagues pay for scores and averages generally.  Most leagues are very conservative on giving money out and its hard to make any money.

Just my 2 cents.


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Re: $45 for High Series, what?
« Reply #9 on: April 21, 2004, 07:11:52 PM »
My friend shot 800 and got $25 in our men's league. I shot 800 in a mixed league and got $10.


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Re: $45 for High Series, what?
« Reply #10 on: April 21, 2004, 10:44:36 PM »
I bowl on a ladies league and a mixed league.  Weekly fees are $20 each.  Lineage is $11.70 per league.

Individual award payouts: (all awards are for scratch only)

Ladies -

High Average - 25.
High Series - 20.
High Game - 15.
Most Improved -17.

Mixed -

High Average - 20.
High Series - 20.
High Game 20.
Most Improved - 10.

Considering how much I pay weekly the individual award payouts are pretty pathetic.  So far I'm eligible to win a whopping $20. in each league.  I won quite a bit of money in pots and card games which helps make up for it.

Your $45. looks pretty good to me in comparison to mine.


Edited on 4/21/2004 10:44 PM


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Re: $45 for High Series, what?
« Reply #11 on: April 22, 2004, 11:19:45 AM »
I guess that's what happens in a democracy.  95% of the bowlers know they have no chance of winning high average or high series, so most people want to see almost all of the prize money distributed among the teams, with very little given to award individual accomplishments.

It's pretty sad when you pay $25 per week for 33 weeks, and the high average comes away with forty bucks.
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Re: $45 for High Series, what?
« Reply #12 on: April 22, 2004, 02:08:33 PM »
My Tuesday night league pays 11:00 a night.   I got 25.00 for high series and Zero for high average.
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Re: $45 for High Series, what?
« Reply #13 on: April 22, 2004, 06:20:48 PM »
I have 801 in my series and even when I get my money next week for it..I don't expect it to be higher then 40 or 50 bucks. I should have high average since I have over 70+ games in but I have a bowler that came in late and have like 36 games in have a 217 average.