I think there has been some MIS-UNDERSTANDING of my original post. I don't begrudgs ANYONE the exctement of buying a new ball and scoring well with it, heck, I think that's exciting to all of us, even the guys who are quite knowledgable.
What I am talking about is the people who come on here, saying things like " I used to use "BRAND-X" , but I bought a new "BRAND-Y" and now
I am scoring much higher", when, in fact, THEY have done NOTHING except buy a different ball. Then they go on to say that "BRAND-X" must suck and they are now going to buy every "BRAND-Y" ball ever made. This is ridiculous!
If you want to come on here and be excited about getting a new ball and serendipitously making the correct choice, that's fine, tell us that is what you did. But, don't come on here without knowing JACK SHEITE about what is happening, or why, and claim that your old ball sucked and your new one is great without being able to tell us a bit about WHY. Or that the new ball has made YOU a better bowler, because it hasn't changed YOU in any way.
I, myself, just drilled an avalanche pearl. I have been scoring much higher with it than I expected, I even posted some of the scores I shot in the review I did of it
here. However, I tried to give an accurate account of what the ball did and why, not just say it was great and now everybody else's stuff must not be as good as Brunswick. And, just because this particular ball fit the bill for what I needed, doesn't mean that I am now going to drop everything except Brunswick from my bag, even though I am partial to them. I still have a gamebreaker and a TNV I use occasionally.
If you get a good/great ball, or end up with a good/great matchup for you, fine, tell us what it does and why it matches up for the purpose you intended, in other words, DO AN ACCURATE REVIEW OF THE BALL, not some emotional garbage about not being able to wait on the next release from "BRAND-Y" because they're great and you are going to own every ball they make. Geez!
Norm Duke was right "It is better to remain silent and be THOUGHT a fool, than to open your mouth and REMOVE ALL DOUBT!"
Good transactions list in my profile
My Bowl.com member pageEdited on 11/2/2008 11:18 AM