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Author Topic: (QUESTION/RANT) People posting about new balls  (Read 4646 times)


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(QUESTION/RANT) People posting about new balls
« on: November 01, 2008, 07:27:34 AM »
I've been noticing ( for a while ) that lots of people are/have been posting about how their scores and averages have gone up all because they bought a new ball.  About how the ball is so great and it does things my old one wouldn't, and the carry is fantastic.

  Here's my question: Why post about your scores and your average going up WHEN YOU DIDN'T CHANGE A THING?

  I mean, you're no better than before.  You don't have a better release, you don't hit your mark more often, and you miss just as many spares as ever, yet you brag that you scores and average have gone up because you bought another ball that strikes FOR you more than your old one did.  IS THIS REALLY SOMETHING TO BRAG ABOUT?

  I've gotten over how technology has changed/is changing the game. I understand that scores are going to be higher than ever.  What I want to know is, WHY BE SO PROUD OF AN INCREASE IN YOUR SCORES WHEN YOU DIDN'T CHANGE ANYTHING and YOU HAVEN'T IMPROVED AT ALL? ALL YOU DID WAS BUY A STUPID BOWLING BALL!

  By all means, take advantage of the technology available, just QUIT BRAGGING LIKE YOU ACTUALLY DID SOMETHING! If you sucked before, YOU STILL SUCK, you just got a ball capable of helping you get around that fact.

 C'mon guys, get real.  Quit bragging about how your scores are so much higher than before because now you have "BRAND-X" in your bag instead of "BRAND-Y" because, if that is the reason your scores are 20 pins higher, you are WAY TOO BALL DEPENDENT.

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Re: (QUESTION/RANT) People posting about new balls
« Reply #1 on: November 01, 2008, 03:33:35 PM »
I'm bowling well with a second drill, five year old Original Inferno and a three year old Absolute Inferno.  I've got about six NIB balls that are simply collecting dust while I continue to bowl well with "ol' reliable".  I've tried a few new balls over the past couple of months but I go back to those two pills and it's like a reset button.
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Re: (QUESTION/RANT) People posting about new balls
« Reply #2 on: November 01, 2008, 03:43:23 PM »
I feel the same way,I've been wackin them with balls that are 3-4 yrs old.I take really good care of all my stuff(clean them after every use )an havent noticed any decline in carry with them.I also know that when a ball is new they hit really hard,maybe thats why average's are up when someone get's some new stuff.I have spent most of my money this year in getting help with my game,rather than buy new equipment.I have had my eye on a few nice lookin ball's,that would match up well with my game
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Re: (QUESTION/RANT) People posting about new balls
« Reply #3 on: November 01, 2008, 03:45:37 PM »
just QUIT BRAGGING LIKE YOU ACTUALLY DID SOMETHING! If you sucked before, YOU STILL SUCK, you just got a ball capable of helping you get around that fact.

C'mon guys, get real. Quit bragging about how your scores are so much higher than before because now you have "BRAND-X" in your bag instead of "BRAND-Y" because, if that is the reason your scores are 20 pins higher, you are WAY TOO BALL DEPENDENT.

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I will head to my local pro shop. Right after I buy it online.

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Re: (QUESTION/RANT) People posting about new balls
« Reply #4 on: November 01, 2008, 05:53:05 PM »
Just to play devil's advocate:

This site is called!  While the posts you describe may not be very helpful as reviews, I would argue that they are completely within the spirit of this website.  The posters may not have the technical knowledge to write a completely useful review for all levels of bowlers.  However, they may be trying their best to share information and their experiences with the BR community.  Isn't that the whole point of this website?  And, the info may actually be more relevant if they really did not do anything different and the ball actually DID improve their scores.

Juggs, I note from your profile that you obviously have a great deal of experience and high level of skill in this game.  On behalf of the BR community, I apologize that not all of us have the knowledge or ability to write reviews that meet your exacting, elitist standards....  [sarcasm off]

My ball speed is 14 MPH...and I'm speed dominant....

Edited on 11/1/2008 5:53 PM

Edited on 11/1/2008 5:55 PM


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Re: (QUESTION/RANT) People posting about new balls
« Reply #5 on: November 01, 2008, 06:01:13 PM »
Just another way that technology is changing the game: the players.

The game is changing in all facets, including the people who play the game. They're going to keep thinking they're good as long as the numbers say so. If they average 240 on walled up China, that makes them better than Walter Ray who averages 220 on the Shark.

As long as their numbers are high, they think they're getting better, when all that's really happening is the game getting easier.
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Re: (QUESTION/RANT) People posting about new balls
« Reply #6 on: November 01, 2008, 06:57:26 PM »
Heck I throw equipment that most have to actually think back to even remeber what it did.(Purple rhino pro, purple sumo, gold rhino and soon to be an original nail and red pearl hammer) and you know what people come over and ask me what Im throwing and I let them know when they see the pin action my purple rhino is getting when Im out hooking half of the house with "inferior equipment" The only 2 newer balls I currently throw and care for are my xxxl and my gravity shift. I do however want to get an avalanche as it does have one of the best cores I have ever rolled IMO. The lightbulb core from brunswick has been the only core I have ever generated that much power at the pins and Ive thrown balls including the cell,green vibe, many of the infernos, awesome hook, and the gravity shift none have thrown the pins around near as much as my old faithfull rhinos(heck my gold rhino rolls as strong as the new stuff with all its gouges and thousands of games without cleaning(previous owner never cleaned it and I got it and rolled it for the last 2yrs and its rolled so well I havent cleaned it and it still rolls strong(as long as you dont roll over a gouge.)


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Re: (QUESTION/RANT) People posting about new balls
« Reply #7 on: November 01, 2008, 07:20:36 PM »
Gone..?,or just change color an name
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Re: (QUESTION/RANT) People posting about new balls
« Reply #8 on: November 01, 2008, 07:34:38 PM »
Just to play devil's advocate:

This site is called!  While the posts you describe may not be very helpful as reviews, I would argue that they are completely within the spirit of this website.  The posters may not have the technical knowledge to write a completely useful review for all levels of bowlers.  However, they may be trying their best to share information and their experiences with the BR community.  Isn't that the whole point of this website?

The point is to be useful to others, not to do your best. That only counts when you want to impress the girls or your mother.

A ballreview has Zero utility, that is NONE, Null, Nihil, no usefulness when it is not done right. Trying does not count. This is real life, not school.

Balls must be be documented in different oil patterns and MUST be compared to other similar balls with the same drillings to have any usefulness to any other bowler other than playing FIGJAM, macho, childish games.

And, the info may actually be more relevant if they really did not do anything different and the ball actually DID improve their scores.

Juggs, I note from your profile that you obviously have a great deal of experience and high level of skill in this game.  On behalf of the BR community, I apologize that not all of us have the knowledge or ability to write reviews that meet your exacting, elitist standards....  [sarcasm off]

Glad you added "sarcasm intended".
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Re: (QUESTION/RANT) People posting about new balls
« Reply #9 on: November 01, 2008, 07:49:54 PM »
I agree with the OP, a lot of these "reviewers" talk about how well they bowl with new ball X, without any explanation as to why...I don't want to read about your honor scores, I want to know the capabilities of the ball...


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Re: (QUESTION/RANT) People posting about new balls
« Reply #10 on: November 01, 2008, 11:16:44 PM »
I agree with all the point to what needs to be done for a "true" review. But I do not see the harm in someone being excited that the $200 they spent on a new ball was a successful purchase. If that person wants to come here and brag, so what. I know not to take that as a "true" review.
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Re: (QUESTION/RANT) People posting about new balls
« Reply #11 on: November 02, 2008, 12:24:56 AM »
I do suck and always will at bowling, i also have been one of the worst about posting scores and admit it. Funny thing is the old stuff i have kept carries as well or better than most of this new crap.

Used a hot wire two weeks ago for 242, ball is outstanding on light mediums. Any old accutread ball for me is the same incredible, still use a Visionary Scorcher NPT, Violet 3d pearl and Matrix Dynasty for dryer lanes with great success.

I admit to being a product of ball reaction, If I find the line I am pretty good if lost watch out here comes three 160's in a row.

I am probably a 180 bowler at best with a fake average of 209 right now.


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Re: (QUESTION/RANT) People posting about new balls
« Reply #12 on: November 02, 2008, 10:18:14 AM »
I think there has been some MIS-UNDERSTANDING of my original post.  I don't begrudgs ANYONE the exctement of buying a new ball and scoring well with it, heck, I think that's exciting to all of us, even the guys who are quite knowledgable.

  What I am talking about is the people who come on here, saying things like " I used to use "BRAND-X" , but I bought a new "BRAND-Y" and now I am scoring much higher", when, in fact, THEY have done NOTHING except buy a different ball.  Then they go on to say that "BRAND-X" must suck and they are now going to buy every "BRAND-Y" ball ever made. This is ridiculous!

  If you want to come on here and be excited about getting a new ball and serendipitously making the correct choice, that's fine, tell us that is what you did.  But, don't come on here without knowing JACK SHEITE about what is happening, or why, and claim that your old ball sucked and your new one is great without being able to tell us a bit about WHY. Or that the new ball has made YOU a better bowler, because it hasn't changed YOU in any way.

  I, myself, just drilled an avalanche pearl.  I have been scoring much higher with it than I expected, I even posted some of the scores I shot in the review I did of it here.  However, I tried to give an accurate account of what the ball did and why, not just say it was great and now everybody else's stuff must not be as good as Brunswick.  And, just because this particular ball fit the bill for what I needed, doesn't mean that I am now going to drop everything except Brunswick from my bag, even though I am partial to them. I still have a gamebreaker and a TNV I use occasionally.

  If you get a good/great ball, or end up with a good/great matchup for you, fine, tell us what it does and why it matches up for the purpose you intended, in other words, DO AN ACCURATE REVIEW OF THE BALL, not some emotional garbage about not being able to wait on the next release from "BRAND-Y" because they're great and you are going to own every ball they make. Geez!
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Edited on 11/2/2008 11:18 AM
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Re: (QUESTION/RANT) People posting about new balls
« Reply #13 on: November 02, 2008, 08:47:45 PM »
I think there has been some MIS-UNDERSTANDING of my original post.  I don't begrudgs ANYONE the exctement of buying a new ball and scoring well with it, heck, I think that's exciting to all of us, even the guys who are quite knowledgable.

  What I am talking about is the people who come on here, saying things like " I used to use "BRAND-X" , but I bought a new "BRAND-Y" and now I am scoring much higher", when, in fact, THEY have done NOTHING except buy a different ball.  Then they go on to say that "BRAND-X" must suck and they are now going to buy every "BRAND-Y" ball ever made. This is ridiculous!

  If you want to come on here and be excited about getting a new ball and serendipitously making the correct choice, that's fine, tell us that is what you did.  But, don't come on here without knowing JACK SHEITE about what is happening, or why, and claim that your old ball sucked and your new one is great without being able to tell us a bit about WHY. Or that the new ball has made YOU a better bowler, because it hasn't changed YOU in any way.

  I, myself, just drilled an avalanche pearl.  I have been scoring much higher with it than I expected, I even posted some of the scores I shot in the review I did of it here.  However, I tried to give an accurate account of what the ball did and why, not just say it was great and now everybody else's stuff must not be as good as Brunswick.  And, just because this particular ball fit the bill for what I needed, doesn't mean that I am now going to drop everything except Brunswick from my bag, even though I am partial to them. I still have a gamebreaker and a TNV I use occasionally.

  If you get a good/great ball, or end up with a good/great matchup for you, fine, tell us what it does and why it matches up for the purpose you intended, in other words, DO AN ACCURATE REVIEW OF THE BALL, not some emotional garbage about not being able to wait on the next release from "BRAND-Y" because they're great and you are going to own every ball they make. Geez!
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  "It is better to remain silent and be THOUGHT a fool, than to open your mouth and REMOVE ALL DOUBT!"

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Edited on 11/2/2008 11:18 AM

Thanks for the clarification
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Re: (QUESTION/RANT) People posting about new balls
« Reply #14 on: November 02, 2008, 08:59:15 PM »
The truth is that there are very few people who actually know anything about ball reaction, how to accurately review a ball, and why ball X helped them score higher.

The majority of people equate high scores with being a good bowler.