I've had a few inquiries and guess should give a little more info on (r)eVolve
It's split into 2 books...each side being it's own book-one on fitting and the other on ball motion.
It's just under 200 pages and covers a better, easier understanding of both...smarter ways to look at each...as is always our (HYBC's) goal, to explain in ways so everyone on all levels can understand.
There are plenty of pictures and diagrams for easier perception or grasp of the material.
The accompanying DVD has visual examples of varying ball motions, as well as varying degrees of rev rates and games, to give shop guys an easier, better understanding of these parts for layouts purposes and dealing with customers easier.
We understand the price may seem steep, at first to some, but when considering the material, it's really a bargain and if one goes to HOTS or IBPSIA, you can look at spending $1000-3000 plus expenses for similar info.
Hopefully this explains it better for anyone interested. Thanks